New Cryptocurrency Exchange European Cryptocurrency Exchange(EUCX).
In the present world everyone has the idea of cryptocurrency.Cryptocurrency is not directly converted into money, for it is to go to the exchange site.Many cryptocurrency exchanges being forced to operate in an uncertain legal gray area, making the operation of the exchange a legal hassle. In many cases, cryptoconce exchanges have been forced to shut down or move across international boundaries due to legal issues with local governments.From this side, separate European cryptocarrency exchange (EUCX).EUCX comply with current financial laws and anti-money laundering laws.Hypocrisy, generally called exchanges, is a weird mood for an industry that is thought to be open source and complete clarity of ideas.One of the best examples is that of listing a token or coin on an exchange.Teams applying to list their coin or token on an exchange are guessing as to how much they have to pay, how long the team has to wait for a decision to be made, what the fundamental requirements are, etc.EUCX has the following policies regarding openness and transparency:
- Annual Financial Report Releases.
- EUCX fund wallet addresses are published on website.
- Company’s leadership clearly listed on website.
- Results of external audits are published.
Ticker: EUCX
Platform: ERC20
Total Token Supply: EUCX
Supply For Sale: 625.000.000 EUX (62,5%)
Token Price (Pre-Sale): € 0,0225
Token Price (Public Sale): € 0,03
Soft Cap: € 3.250.000
Hard Cap: € 18.750.000
EUCX has hosted a perpetual bug providing program as the policy of publishing their weaknesses. In this program, moral hackers are encouraged to break into the EUCX environment and wisely released their weaknesses to pay for EUCX Token.In the interim period, EUCX carries out external moral hackers for the environmental environment as well as organizational environment and physical environment (so-called "red parties") code-code review and execution examinations. Our non-hands-on system of penetration testing ensures that all aspects of technology and organization are tested, not limited to: IT systems, EUCX employees, physical location and partner partners.In exchange for cryptosystems and reliability of the exchange, there may often be a problem. The long list of hacks and protection violations, the expanded downtime (and, for that, lost profits for users) plugs the cryptococonge industry. Running a high availability platform is one that is an accurate science and often overlooked.The decentralized exchanges have been offline for several days since many days. Attempts are being made to manage the public's warning that the extension was taken offline due to performance issues and a part of the code base was rewritten.The best exchange site I found is the European Cryptocurrency Exchange (EUCX).
EUCX official site list: