Ethic Hub universalizes access to global financial market, connecting investors to solvent projects. Ethic Hub is an investment platform that universalizes access to highly profitable positive impact projects, by directly connecting investors to projects rated by risk level. Evaluation is carried out by people in contact with borrowers, profiting only from on-time loan payments.
Ethic Hub is a project that aims to solve the problem that most third world farmers tend to face. They have less funding making it harder for them to obtain a profit for their crops. Regulatory barriers have so far hindered the development of transnational crowdlending platforms; a decentralized system (DAO) operated through cryptocurrency, will facilitate global transactions between investors and borrowers.
Thanks to Blockchain technology we globally connect investors (lenders) with small unbanked producers. The Advantage of EthicHub offers an opportunity to invest in profitable agricultural projects selected in person by a Local Node, and that aren't accessible via the traditional banking and investment markets. The platform provides access to better reward and risk investment opportunities. SmartContracts with automatically regulated timelocks P2P transferences between borrower and crowdfunders (multiple investors), payment times and loan rates for the borrower as well as distribution of profits for investors, Local Nodes and Ethic Hub. Money is directly transferred without involving a third party, not even LendingDev.
Once a critical mass of users is reached, each loan will contribute proportionally to generate a guarantee fund to protect the investors, who in case of default, will recover the invested amount (principal), so they would only assume the exchange rate risk.
According to its road map, EthicHub achieves the next milestone by presenting to the community the MVP (Minimum viable product). The Alpha platform will become the core of this "social investment network" which aims to provide new financing tools to unbanked farmers around the world.
The platform consists of a simple and very intuitive front end where users can choose between the first projects uploaded on this social network of investors. This public presentation is only a first step to establish, consolidate and expand the future channel of trust between farmers' communities, local nodes and investors. EthicHub aims to generate a Blockchain ecosystem where all the stakeholders involved can benefit from their mutual relationship.
Version 0.1 has a minimum backend for the registration of users with a Know Your Customer (KYC) system with the ability to perform mailings and other functionalities. A first version of the platform will be deployed pre ICO, accepting ether and generating reputation tokens (EHREP) to start building our network of trusted borrowers. The first lending contracts will accept bids favoring the first lenders as they come. In the future, ETX tokens will be the currency to operate within our platform.
This project wants to disrupt the status quo by making investment and credit opportunities and democratizing finances. Farmers and individuals that are in a low-interest market who want higher profits will have access to highly useful products worldwide.
Ethic Hub uses Ethereum's blockchain in order to deploy smart contract and manage their platform. The contracts work by handling and performing all of the functions to help with the agreements made between investors and borrowers within the system. By coordinating all of the financial operations, it helps the system become more efficient and beneficial towards its users.
The Ethic Hub associated Exchange will convert tokens from borrower's Wallet† to their local currency. When this local currency is used to pay back the loan, the Exchange will convert it again to tokens before transferring them to corresponding investors Wallets .
Ethic Hub aims to improve facets of the current financial system, particularly ethics and thus endorsing UN Global Compact´s Ten Principles and establishing it as a code of conduct to everyone related to Ethic Hub, from lenders to borrowers, from Local Nodes to Investor Recruiters, from suppliers to founders.
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