There is no ethical consumption under Capitalism.
There are lots of films I don't watch. Lots of games I don't play. Lots of companies I don't actively support. But i drink Coke, linked to the murder of multiple union organisers in Latin America., I eat KitKats, linked to baby killing milk in Africa. I eat meat. I don't drive, but I ride about in cars and trains and planes, and my annual carbon footprint - because I commute - is far higher than it would be if my corpse was composted instead.
I use a second hand phone. I have never bought a new phone because small children mine for rare earths, but I eat chocolate from cocoa that small children harvest.
We all make choices. Nearly all those choices negatively impact others.
I won't judge you.
But I would judge myself.
At the end of the day that's the secret of political correctness. Nobody can - or should - make you change your nature.
But not doing a thing that makes another person uncomfortable isn't 'changing your nature'.
It's acting in accordance with it.