RE: Ethereum Launched 3 years ago!
You've perfectly described your problem.
You've missed the train by 5 years, and now you sit on couple of $ from Byteball airdrop and couple of $ of STD and waiting for miracle to happen.
And miracle happening is your only ticket to riches.
You would be surprised but there are tons of people with tens of thousands of $ to play with. And many are buying BTC for $8000.
If there would be no buyers for $8000, the price would drop significantly till demand/offer meets equilibrium.
Cryptoworld is international. It doesn't obey the economic rules of your country.
What you can't afford, others can.
You can cry about it all day long like you're doing in this thread or do something about it.
I suggest the option 2. Couple of $ you have in Byteball and SBD is never going to change your life.