Crypto-Kittens is an Attack and Ethereum Lightning (State) Channels are the Network’s Only Hope.

in #ethereum7 years ago

If you know what Ethereum and Crypto-kittens are you have landed on an interesting writing. I have peers now that have never invested into crypto-currencies that are now asking me how to buy crypto-kittens. Another friend is waiting on an Ethereum transaction so he can start buying. I know multiple people that were spending 100’s of USD worth of eth today on this phenomenon .

What is happening?

What is happening is someone created an algorithm that effectively raises the price of a crypto-kitten the more you jam kitten transactions onto the network. So people are losing their minds jamming the network.

This is simultaneously fueled, no doubt, by infused “top down” investment.

The problem is, this isn’t going away. Someone can create crypto-puppies or anything, and you can’t even play with these things YET. You can’t fight them yet, there is no accessories, no items, no foraging etc.

This will take time for people to face, but the network is halted. It is halted until state channels are developed.
So I stopped buying crypto-kittens and I am investing in coins that will alleviate the congestion.

What I want to do is get into coins like Raiden, Eos, And Iota before others realize that a giant social movement is going to be needed to unstuck the network.

I don’t know what groups and tokens will be responsible for this upgrade to happen but I am now looking for the best investments and causes that might contribute to a solution. This is where the growth and value MUST go.


This just show the real concerns about ethereum scability

I am not sure what exactly this is but I converted sbd to eth as test transfers. Now the ETH price is dropping. Is there any chance of a rise?

Very good friend

I am a bit confused that people throwing money into this...

But I never had a tamagochi either so what do I know

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