
I would prefer if you posted the newsletter here instead of just providing a link... In any case, thanks!

I may. I'm usually so tired by the time I hit publish that I can't see straight.

I'm glad that ProgPOW is finally starting to be taken seriously. I just wish they had paid attention to it months ago so it could be implemented at the same time as the issuance reduction everone all of a sudden decided was so urgent that it must be done immediately. Just a straight reduction is going to have serious centralizing effects over the 8 months until the next hard fork, and it's worrying to me that so few devs seem to value that consequence. Hopefully 8 months is short enough that things won't get too bad, but I hope they will consider forking for ProgPOW as soon as it's ready rather than necessarily waiting a full 8+ months.

ProgPoW is a community effort that is being looked at. Pawel also filed an EIP for an asic-resistant change to ethash. Link is in this week's issue

Thanks for the link - I missed that part. I just wish they had gotten on this earlier because it would have been better for the network, as there is more danger in reducing issuance without it than with it. I'm glad they're finally getting serious about it though, and hope it won't hit any snags and gets implemented as quickly as is reasonably possible.

the concern has always been diverting attention from what is really important: proof of stake

The people working on PoS don't have to be the same people who work on an algorithm update for the interim before PoS. I don't see why doing this should affect the implementation of Casper at all. Am I missing something?

When pos?

Two Wooks™

It turns out that it is hard to ship software solving bleeding edge computer science problems.

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