Ethereum social news alert — December 11th, 2017, 11:30

Luno on Twitter
“FarmerpaulSA Just full support for Bitcoin and Ethereum for now, but as always, we're always keeping our eyes on the progress and adoption of other digital currencies :) Should we see value in another, like we did Bitcoin and Ethereum, it'll be added.”
➞ Read full story (Source: Twitter )

Luno on Twitter
“timberwolf_74 Just full support for Bitcoin and Ethereum for now, but as always, we're always keeping our eyes on the progress and adoption of other digital currencies :) Should we see value in another, like we did Bitcoin and Ethereum, it'll be added.”
➞ Read full story (Source: Twitter )

Bitcoin futures rise as virtual currency hits major exchange
The first-ever bitcoin future jumped after it began trading Sunday as the increasingly popular virtual currency made its debut on a major U.S. exchange. The futures contract that expires in January surged ...
➞ Read full story (Source: YahooFinance )

"To put it plainly, if Bitcoin was a bike, and Ethereum was a Camry, Cardano would be a BMW." - Crypto Reader
r/Cardano submitted by "To put it plainly, if Bitcoin was a bike, and Ethereum was a Camry, Cardano would be a BMW." from cardano
➞ Read full story (Source: Crypto Reader )

Bitcoin price jumps up 20% as futures go live
So far, so good.
➞ Read full story (Source: Mashable )
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