Ethereum Pumps | Here's the Next Price Target

in #ethereum7 years ago

Ethereum is having some strong trading action recently following the alpha Casper testnet launch. If you've followed this channel a while, you know I've been bullish on Ethereum for a while and have been buying at various levels from 0.05 BTC all the way down to 0.03 BTC.

I've moved some of my ETH into BTC at around 0.0575 BTC because this was a price target I set a long time ago and because I think Bitcoin is becoming undervalued relative to altcoins in general. I still hold the majority of my Ethereum position and plan on next converting into BTC at around 0.075 BTC.

I remain bullish on Ether moving into 2018. I suspect the future move to proof of stake will lead many wanting to increase their Ether holdings and we might see more derivatives based on Ether in the traditional financial markets. Ethereum is right behind Bitcoin in terms of institutional interest and hence there will likely be a push to see more financial products based off of it. Furthermore, I suspect we should see some strong applications built on the network in 2018 which will increase its value.

What are your thoughts moving forward on Ethereum? Thank you for watching / reading.

P.S: Expect a video later today talking about Raiblocks - and expect my normal self to crush any hopes and dreams you had associated with it...


Really helpful video - I like the fact that your commentary is firmly based on technical analysis, rather than hype.

There's way too much shilling going on in the crypto space (particularly on YouTube), so it's great to hear from someone who's got a more critical eye on developments.

What are my thoughts moving forward on Ethereum?

In the long term, it can only rise & rise - simply because of the technology that has already been, and will continue to be, rolled out through the platform.

And that's the key - it's a platform rather than just a crypto.

Sure - there are other platforms in development, but ETH has already been through several bumps in the road, has a hugely credible team behind it, and in my opinion, will only continue to dominate the ALT space due to the innovations that are on the calendar.

Most of its direct competitors are way behind the curve in terms of maturity of code, team, and global adoptions.

In the long, long run, noone really knows what will happen - maybe STEEM will dominate! But I think the reality is more that there will be a suite of crypto, and just one or two platforms, that will come to take the lion's share of the marketplace, because of the quality of what they offer, and the people & community behind them.

Personally, I have a hunch that STEEM will be amongst those platforms, along with ETH, in the ALT space.

As for mainstream crypto adoption - that's anybody's guess!

Keep the videos coming!

I like Steem especially because it's already useful - it doesn't need to find a killer app. If it can just fix this website and curb abuse (which is a tall order), then it could easily become one of the biggest cryptocurrencies out there. Ethereum has a tall order in terms of getting more useful applications on its platform, but I think it will come especially as developers have every incentive to get their stuff together now that cryptocurrencies took off in 2017.

I started using Steem a little while ago when it was around $1US. I wasn't sure how to buy Steem at the time as I didn't use the exchanges (I used eToro until they had to stop services to Canada). Anyhoo I'm in now. I think their Steem dollar, etc is a bit complicated for the average Facebook user so hopefully that will improve over time, even the private key login stuff. Hope it doesn't stay at the level of something like Google+. I seem to like coins that I can at least use and receive ie a currency like Steem and things like Bitcoin to buy things eventually, versus Ripple token used by banks (why should I own that token other than hoping it goes up).

Agree with you on the Ripple. You may like what I wrote on xrp:

Waiting for your indepth on raiblocks bitcoin

So excited for your video on Railblocks. so many stupid coins are getting pumped to absurd levels right now. Good coins but overvalued.

Yes I've noticed a huge increase in the number of pumps recently - likely cause altcoins are in favor right now.

Hi from London! Yes looking forward to seeing this! What is your opinion on Nxt coin at the moment with its huge drop of over 60%? Does anyone know why 1.3 billion has been pumped out the coin.
Massive Fan

People were buying nxt because of the fork. If you held Nxt before the 1st of january, then you will receive some of the other coin upon it's creation (forgot the name of the coin). So once that was done everyone sold.

That's IGNIS you're referring to.

But certain exchanges haven't credited their users yet such as Bittrex.

When ETH hit .025 the writing was on the wall considering a two-year low is a two-year low, that market only really had one direction to go about 3 weeks ago when the bottom actually hit. What we are seeing now is consolidations for the longs that have opened up in the margin markets as they drive the price up words I believe ETH will Peak around .15 and at the very least will touch .1 sat again as ETH has in the past.

The thing I'm most curious about is if people accuse insiders of trading on news that's about to be released for the market then one would expect that the momentum to have started in the last few days or so if that's the case there is a long run ahead and perhaps we will blow by the old all time high, if Bitcoin decides to retrace that would be the perfect atmosphere for that scenario.

If Bitcoin decides to keep going upwards to $25,000 many cryptocurrencies are going to experience significant retraces and it's only going to be par for the course until Bitcoin decides to take a break again, in the meantime market dominance is being juggled around at will, ETH back to at least .1 Sat that's the bottom line.

Smart Trader would reassess their position position once ETH achieves a value of 10% the price of a Bitcoin

I agree @cryptovestor am very bullish on ETH right now. CASPER just went into alpha, so I expect we could see a POS model in 2018, this will incentivize accumulation and holding of ETH which I think will drive up price.

You guys should all check out Rocket Pool, its a pool staking lending service that will use smart contracts to allow those of us who don't have 10,000 ethereum to stake with to enter into lending agreements where we can stake our ethereum for a certain amount of time and get paid for it. Similar to bitconnect but without the ponzi scheme aspect.

They also have a crowdsale going on for their token, which will function as a way to pull out a collateral loan on your investment incase you want to be able to reinvest your ethereum at stake in the pool.

Also cryptokitties really seems to have inspired blockchain based entertainment applications, and we all know how much of a driving force gaming has been in the technology industry since the 1970s.

Congrats from Germany..the channel is really interesting and balanced, I am glad that you are upgrading the Brand and I hope we will see much more dipper analysis on uncovered topics especially ICO's and some interviews if possible. ...
I really like the neutral and skeptic position keep it up , we don't want to see any "John Mcafee" stories.

  • I did not hear anything lately about Cardano (ADA) considering the continuous pump in both Price and Market cap in recent days.
    *Impact of Etherium based ICO's on the price of ETH

Good ideas - will be covering them in the future at some point. There's a lot to cover so sometimes it is difficult to get to it all in a timely manner, but we will get there eventually.

Etherium is a relatively safe bet in my opinion.
Just looking at the space, a lot of ideas being sold all around, not that much actual working product's, sure you could argue something new that's just around the corner is the next etherium killer.
But if you think about the adoption cycle, ether already has a community, working product and support. Other coins need to go threw the same cycle, and I imagine it's not a swift transition from an idea to a working product. That is why I think Etherium will have it's share of the space even if it means competing with other project's.

I have a question for CryptoInvestor, would appreciate if you answered, I know there's already a ton of comments here, although you posted just four hour's ago.

My question is this :
Are you planning on doing videos talking about portfolio creation management and style's ? I Imagine you have in depth knowledge on the subject having a background in investing in traditional market's. Would be interesting to hear your thought's on diversification and using different asset classes. Thank you for your time and experience.

Yes I plan on doing more investing strategy type videos at some point here - I find it fun. It's difficult to fit it in with all the crazy price movements we have seen recently, but we'll find room for it. I want to do more longer shelf life videos and investing strategy is right up there since it never gets old. Thanks for commenting!

Thanks for the reply, really appreciate it and the work you do, keep it up )

One of the other reasons that I'd moved some bitcoin into altcoin was to attempt to spend or send it. With the high fees and slow transactions that bitcoin offers, it has become useless for small value transactions.

ETH works as a transfer mechanism, but as a currency replacement for online transactions it's adoption is likely to be slower. I asked one retailer about their plans for alt-coin adoption (ETH, LTC, BCH, BTG) said they were planning Litecoin adoption in short order (~weeks), not planning to adopt BCH, and on ETH:

"Litecoin is basically bitcoin's code so this integration is very simple, however ETH would need a complete rewrite and not possible at this time."

You can probably argue that the use case for ETH is not a currency, but because it is different enough from a number of other alt-coins, more infrastructure will be required for retailers to adopt it, should they want to.

Yes, but sheer size alone will encourage people to jump on board eventually for those that want to accept cryptocurrencies. I don't think it matters much anyway though - I don't think the currency use case is all that important.

Some of the most optimistic news on Litecoin I've heard in a while. LTC really could use a bit of good news and some upward momentum.

I am also more bullish on Ethereum than on Bitcoin. If you take the speculative aspect out, with all the ICOs done on Ethereum, it generated a real demand for Ether, since you will always need it to run a dezentralized app on it, plus if you want to send your ERC20 tokens, you need it too. And maybe 90% of all tokens issued in ICOs will fail, but those 10% or maybe 1% who are gonna disrupt an industry, will also increase the value of Ethereum in the long run. And a first mover advantage is always big, plus the todays disadvantages in Transaction speed or other shortcomings, will be improved by the development team.
Only mid-term concern I have is, if Vitalik would decide to move on and do something differently. Although there are a lot of great developers on Ethereum, this would hurt Ethereum price a lot... but I will be ready to buy that dip then.
Looking forward to that Raiblock video wanted to get into it, but then price ran away and I didnt wanted to chase the highs (although I was at that time still very early...)

those damn crypto kitten crippled eth growth ... I believe eth will go anywhere from 5 to 10k this year easy I see a lot of platforms using it and it can only go up this and ltc too ... just to keep focus on the big picture here I think the privacy coins will take a bigger weight in 2018 because of gov moves and overall asians coins like dragoncoin or something like that will have fair chunk of the cake too along with the less restricted exchanges like binance, kucoin etc... so Bittrex and company are all good but I am are from Las Vegas and you gotta play with the house rules...America by doing this will have people fleeing away to Acapulco bay for instance and this can be a lose or a gain for it but i think more of a lose because of the crippling the regulatory system will bring to a such young technology and thus will cut its growth but only in America as the world is free to evolve to the max of potentials ... I wouldn't like to be in USA this time around...nope!

Fantastic analysis. I too have been highly bullish on ethereum. Also I think all the Big 3 (Now big 4) on coin base will be huge for all of 2018 on a MACRO level. Thanks for the thinking as always Crypto Investor! Happy New Years-

I also was wondering about holding Bitcoin versus Ethereum or Ripple for long term 2018 on a macro level. I plan to buy and HODL because I want to avoid short term capital gains and the accounting. So basically:

If you were to hold Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Ripple for ALL of 2018, what would you hold the most of? (followed by second, third and fourth place) [this question is open to everyon]


~Bit Will

Bitcoin and Ethereum are my favorites. Bitcoin because I think it'll get a big pump when Lightning goes live for real and I think Ethereum will get a nice pump once Casper goes live. Litecoin will continue to be a testing grounds for Bitcoin which I don't hate when it is trading cheaply, but otherwise am not a big fan of long-term holding. Ripple is a tougher one, which I'll likely discuss in future. Bitcoin and Ethereum are equally attractive to me currently - Bitcoin has fallen out of favor recently so think it's less risky right now (I come from a value investor background). I think Ethereum has higher upside if we see any blockbuster apps in 2018.

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