I'm Thankful for Ether
One of the names for God is Jehovah Jireh. It means the LORD will provide. Of the innumerable things I have to be thankful for including family, friends, community, and the opportunity to undertake the endeavor of The Post Money Plan, I was specifically thankful for Ether yesterday. Let me back up and explain.
In resigning from my job at the investment bank last year to pursue entrepreneurship, I had to take a leap of faith and let go of the security of a very comfortable salary down to no dependable source of income at all. To be transparent, I was pretty strongly on the end of the spectrum believing that God helps those who help themselves. This journey has moved me much further on the spectrum towards God providing to those that trust in Him. This experience has definitely given me the opportunity to trust God more that He will provide.
“Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.”
Last year in August when I was getting ready to start The Post Money Plan, I invested $2,000 in Ether (Bitcoin’s cousin) because of the vast potential I saw in cryptocurrencies and specifically the smart contract platform of Ether. At the time Ether was at $11.30, so I was able to buy 175 Ether. I thought of it as lost money that probably wouldn’t come back.
What I didn’t realize was that God was planning provision for me. I certainly am not wise enough to have timed the market just so, but in the following months, Ether proceeded to skyrocket from $11.30 to $50 by March. I was given total conviction to hold on. Beyond belief, it continued to skyrocket into June and hit a high of $400, making the original $2,000 worth $70,000. I still felt compelled not to sell. In July, Ether began crashing back down. On July 11th I felt like the only right thing to do was to buy more, so I bought another $2,000 worth at $186. Amazingly (and I know this is not out of my own intelligence), that was within days of the lowest price Ether has been at since then.
Ether began to march back up and almost hit $400 again at the very beginning of September, but then began crashing again. The only right move seemed to be that I needed to buy more, so I bought $1,000 more at $231, which again turned out to be the day of the lowest price Ether has seen since then. Now I KNOW I am not that smart.
But the final tidbit in this story to date and the impetus for this article is the other side of the trade. People have been sitting by on the sidelines warning of imminent disaster, telling investors “you’re going to get burned” and “you’re never going to get your money back.”
Well to my great surprise on Thanksgiving yesterday, I see a message from a friend hinting that Ether was performing very nicely. I checked and saw that Ether was up 15% on the day to $420 and felt that it was time to cash in some profit. A large part of that decision was for personal reasons, so don’t read too much into what that might suggest about the outlook for Ether.
I transferred the proceeds out to my bank and can now say that I got my actual investment of $5,000 back and then some (and not just in unrealized paper profit). Not to mention I am still holding on to plenty more.
Like I said, I know it is not out of my own wisdom to have made those trades at almost the exact ideal times. And it certainly has been a step of faith to cultivate the vision of The Post Money Plan without a distinct source of income yet, but...
I know Jehovah Jireh.