Ethearnal - A New Era of Independent Work (ICO)
About Ethearnal
Ethearnal is a stand-alone peer-to-peer (P2P) system, in which employers and freelancers meet, enter into intelligent, untrusted contracts with reputation and money in custody, and take advantage of a decentralized system of moderators, if necessary. We clash reputation and economic initiatives in one by tokenizing reputation and giving it value. Therefore, all parties, including moderators, have strong and aligned initiatives to act honestly, as they all have something of value at stake, as well as something to gain if the desired outcome is achieved.
The aim of this platform is to bridge the gap between business and people, creating a comfortable ecosystem with all parties able to unite, participate, process and create good customer-to-worker relationships to reach an agreement.
In general, employers will easily search for casual workers on the Internet using the reputation of casual workers as a benchmark, because reputation is very valuable to casual workers. When starting a negotiation, you will usually trust in advance. Either the employer places a percentage of the money, or the independent professional does some work. If they disagree in the future, there is no practical way to resolve the dispute. Temporary workers get the escrow money if the employer provides it, and lose their reputation if he did not do his job, but bamyak freelancers who ignore their work in the middle of the road, which could be due to the authority of the company, as well as binding rules.
What problems are present?
The independent market is a global industry that has earned more than $1 billion last year. About 35% of workers in the U. S. While the independent industry has earned a lot of income, there are still some problems that need to be addressed. For example, disputes often occur between customers and freelancers (i. e. complicated design projects).
- There are limited ways to receive funds. This can be harmful in some developing economies.
- Disputes are not objective because they are only resolved through one entity.
- Your funds are not immediately released by the current freelance platforms.
- 10% - 30% of the value of the job goes to work immediately.
Ethearnal offers the following solutions to the various problems that arise in the workplace contact between superiors and freelancers:
- Use intelligent ethereum auto-execution contracts to manage both sides of the responsibility in the code.
- Provide a decentralized system of compensation moderators based on game theory to advance the required IF and provide an objective resolution on the principle that the majority is always right.
- Align the economic initiatives of all parties involved so that everyone is better off looking for the same results.
- Gives reputation rating and monetary value. We make economics and economic initiative a single thought.
Basic Characteristics
- The more reliable reputation (ERT) you have, the greater visibility you have on your network. By default, search engines are ranked by reputation. While in other places you start without credibility, with us you can start your own career by buying some. However, it does not allow you to play because you are betting on some of them with all the contracts you enter, and you may lose this bet if you misbehave. This initiative is based on game theory, naturally filtering out bad performers and rewarding them, increasing their credibility even more in completed projects. You can't ban it, but if your behavior is inappropriate, you'll lose credibility and the system will filter it naturally. In addition, You do not stay with us, you can spend your reputation at any time or even collect it if you decide that you no longer want to work. Its reputation and value gives people more flexibility. We sincerely believe that this is the way of the future!
- Another important part of our system is the hierarchy of censorship. Executives, as well as other stakeholders, have acquired a reputation that guarantees the integrity of their actions. This is an important component that allows the system to be self-managed and self-sufficient. Once he's in shape, we don't need the founders.
- A third important feature is the use of ERT marking for CAD-related functions. As far as we know, we are the first ICO, that the team does not guarantee all the money, but only 10%, and for every 10% increase the cardholder must vote, whether we have it or not gives us responsibility. In addition, the owner receives the card corresponding to the total cost of the 1% package, in which the system collects from the dispute.
Project Advantages
As additional benefits that are available to all users of the platform, the following are:
- Implementation of the ICO 2.0 concept;
- Total control of the investment and funds raised on the platform through intelligent contract work;
- lower commission for successfully completed projects;
- The possibility of resolving disputes related to a community of moderators who will act honestly and objectively evaluate the facts in favor of one or the other party to the dispute;
- Raise reputation according to completed projects;
- stable platform operation, based on reliable and transparent locking technology;
- commission payments will be spent on developing and improving the service, and will not go to developers;
- return on their investments, if most investors doubt the full development of the project;
- Holders of additional permissions on users of the conventional platform.
About the Token and ICO
Token name: ERT
Token sales: from 28 February to 31 March 2018
Total Token: 40,000,000 ERT
Price: 1 ETH = 1000 ERT
Distribution over ICO: 30,000,000 ERT
Stanislav Uzunchev: Co-Founder, Marketing
Vladimir Vladimirov: Co-founder, Marketing
Dobri Stoilov: Senior Back-End Developer
Roman Storm: Intelligent Contract Developer
Paulius Kasiuba: Front-End Developer
Rami Spasov: Pr
Radimira Yordanova: Creative Designer
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