Goldman Sachs to explore crypto currency trading. Potential start to a type of investment banking?

in #eth6 years ago

Hey guys,

So I just came across this and wanted to share this. It's basically saying that the investment banking giant, Goldman Sachs has hired a former crypto trader to explore the opportunities in crypto and possibly to create a trading desk.

As most people would know that 2008 could be argued as the year that "ended" investment banking...i.e. it is no as popular as back in the 80/90/early 2000s. I started investment banking myself back in 2007 and experienced 2008 and finally left the industry at the end of 2011. Bonuses are no longer as "huge" as in the past, a lot less common to do very long hours (as banks just can't pay those crazy salaries/bonuses anymore (this is overall rather than every single job in the market). Since 2008 a lot of banks have been complying to new tougher regulations and turn their businesses profitable again (some have collapsed on the way, some are just about surviving and only a few are doing "ok". So could this cryptocurrency trading, if it happens, become a new profitable business stream for banks? I'd say possibly, but given that banks are under a lot more scrutiny nowadays and that cryptos are known for its high volatility I'd say that it'll have a lot of obstacles to get past before it becomes one of the bigger money making businesses for banks. But I surely think that banks would like to explore that area. Lets see what happens!

Hope you enjoyed this. As per usual this IS NOT trading advice. Thanks


Great Read! Check out my post as well.

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