the success

in #eternity7 years ago

Read the following narration by Richard Branson, the famous entrepreneur who has it all. Not only he has done it all, got it all but is ready to share it all! Follow these success tips to become a billionaire. Have a vision and chase it till you get it!Image and video hosting by TinyPic

You’ll never be successful if you don’t love what you do and wake up every morning excited. “Those people who spend their time working on things they love are usually the ones enjoying life the most,” Branson says. “They are also the ones who dared to take a risk and chase their dreams.”

Legendary investor and fellow billionaire Warren Buffett agrees. “Being successful at almost anything means having a passion for it. “If you see somebody with even reasonable intelligence and a terrific passion for what they do and who can get people around them to march, even when those people can’t see over the top of the next hill, things are gonna happen.”

According to Branson, “if you aren’t making a positive difference to other people’s lives, then you shouldn’t be in business.” This goes not only for individuals, but companies as a whole, Branson says.

Today, many employers ascribe to this idea. Take companies like Toms and Warby Parker, which follow the “One for One” or “Buy a Pair, Give a Pair” rule: Every time a pair of shoes or glasses is purchased, one is donated.

  1. Believe in your ideas

If you aren’t advocating for yourself, you’re not giving anyone else a reason to. As Branson says, “If you aren’t proud of your idea and believe in your plans, why should anybody else?”

Fellow billionaire Mark Cuban has similar views on what it takes to succeed, particularly for entrepreneurs. “Don’t start a company unless it’s an obsession and something you love,” he wrote in a column on Entrepreneur. Because, “if you have an exit strategy, it’s not an obsession.”

Though often underrated, Branson calls fun one of the most important ingredients in any successful business. “If you’re not having fun, then it’s probably time to try something else,” he writes.

The concept of having fun has driven some of Branson’s most successful businesses, especially when he was first starting out. When he went to the CEOs of Virgin Music with the idea of using a third of the company’s profits to start an airline because he believed it would be “fun,” they weren’t entirely on board, Business Insider reports. But Branson persisted and Virgin Atlantic, one of the company’s most well-known properties, was established.

“On every adventure, I have been on– whether setting up a business, flying around the world in a balloon or racing across the ocean in a boat– there have been moments when the easy thing to do would be to give up,” Branson writes. But, by sticking things through, he’s propelled himself to immense success, both personal and professional.

Branson’s onto something with this tip. Psychologist and MacArthur “Genius” fellow Angela Duckworth spent years researching achievement and found that talent by itself is only one factor. Success also requires determined effort and lots of it.

“Without effort, your talent is nothing more than your unmet potential,” Duckworth writes in her book, “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance.”

Follow these super success tips and have your life sorted! For more college life, success tips and internship postings, stay tuned to the blog. Post your queries, opinions and suggestions in the comments section below.

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