RE: Are We Getting Close to the Possibility for Eternal Biological Life? Maybe YES!
You are wise. And your wisdoms shows in your ability to keep searching for an answer. This philosophy and enlightenment I have obtained is through what is called the "nag hammadi scriptures" & through the reading of well known scripture... They where lost pieces of the bible that where not included by the church do to their complexity. You will find them extremely interesting. Also, your faith in "matter" or "science" isnt directly faith in "Satan" but it is Satan who pulls you away from faith in anything else but God. And you say there is no proof of God... But this is where Christ comes in. Christ was the living proof of God. He was able to free my mind entirely of ignorance and put me on the path of truth. God is woven into your heart as is truth. God is the spirit of truth. So, as science has lied to many (with false scientific theories of the past later to be disapproved in the future) it has also given a lot of truth. Where Christ has only given truth..But who do you credit? A scientist for making this discovery? Or the living God who created the miracle of life? Science is outstanding, I do not deny that. But let us out our awe in the creator and not the observer of the creator for that is truly humble.
Also, when I said that Hell keeps God and the angels of heaven warm, I find alot of truth in that in the sense of "comfort". Hell comforts heaven in the sense of reassurance that not every soul will be granted everlasting life (actually more then you think wont)... Christ however, told us to pray for our enemies and to leave the judgement of who makes it into heaven completely unto "the father"...In this way Christ becomes equal to God because he is so merciful. He is always forgiving before death but after death is a different story... That is why you must proclaim your faith to Christ TODAY. You are a friend! And I have followed you! I enjoy taking about these things it really gets my brain working through discussion rather then just writing peace!
I certainly enjoy this discussion as well; In fact, through discussions one can come to much better understanding, than simply by trying to form a good post; Why? Well, because of the other(s) who will challenge your thoughts through questions and reasoning. That is the reason I like discussion, two/multiway conversations, rather than one way (posts in a sense, are one way, it can provoke discussions though and in my mind it should).
I cannot promise I'll start reading these soon, but you got me interested. Can I find them on the Internet?
I followed you as well. Thank you so much for this discussion and all your clarifications of regarding your views to the world. I cannot object at all your views, and I will not object any of them. I cannot promise that I'll develop faith in God/Christ though, but I always like to learn. Hence my interest to read some of the work that helped you to your current views.
Yes the scriptures can be found online. And I understand, all I ask is you take a look at scripture for the sake of unbiased opinion. Once you have read it then form an opinion you will be able to make a more educated decision. But if you never read it then you will never know. Thanks! and I look forward to reading your posts.
I for sure intend to read them! For what shall I search? Maybe you have links? Doesn't have to be right now :) But would be a great help for me to get to the right materials.
Scroll down and you will find a bunch. Also I dont consider the text Gnostic but the website I found them does just for the record lol. You can also look up Nag Hammadi on youtube and give a listen. I do recommend though you read the bibles Gospels before these ones (you dont have to) but it will let you put them in context a little better. Hope that helps!!
Thank YOU!