
esteem 도있군요~ 한국 분들이 많이 안계시나봐요

네 풀노드 돌리고 독재자 성향이 없어보이는 정말 보기드문 증인 + 이스팀이라는 기본 인터페이스까지..
아직은 웹버전이 없어서 대중화는 힘들어보이지만 갠적으로 유일하게 스티밋을 대체할수있는 앱이라 봅니다 🤨

한국분들은 거의 못봤어요..ㅎㅎ;;

Even on desktop version, you need at least version 2 and above to effect the point collection. So as mobile. Majority of the time I'm using mobile app, so I have both 1.6 and 2.1. to check for your points, you need at least v2.1 and above. But again, as long the version is 2.0 and compatible, you will earn points via all activities. 🤓 Happy esteeming brother.

Posted using Partiko Android

what?! i'm using 2.0.7. i'm pretty sure it's the lastest version (for windows). i can't find the points button anywhere.

but yea. i'm getting them on my mobile version so i guess it's alright.

Desktop don't have 2.1 yet. But anything above 2.0 is compatible for point collection. So yeah, you're alright 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

보팅 지원을 받으면 계속 쓰고 싶은데, 잘 되지 않는 거 같아요... ㅠㅠ

위에 보시다시피 원칙은 스팸/표절만 아니면 다 되야되는데 얘네들 한국인 큐레이터가 없어서..
지원할까 했는데 전 다른걸로 바빠서 안했어요 ㅎㅎ;;
누군가 하면 좋을꺼같긴 한데 국내에선 거의 안쓰는거 같네요 ㅇ_ㅇ

그러게요.. 이스팀에 대해 KR 커뮤니티에서는 관심 자체가 없네요. 제가 작년초에 처음 썼을 때에는 UI가 지금처럼 세련되지 않은데다 버그도 있었고 10%의 베네피셔리도 있어서 사용자들의 불만들이 있었고 시간이 지나면서 잊혀져 버린 거 같아요.

10%는 아직도 있을꺼에요. 안타깝긴 하지만 다른 애들도 그정도는 가져가니 어쩔수없네요.
아직은 규모가 크지 않고 웹기반 서비스가 없어서 관심을 많이 못받고 있긴 한데.. 잘만된다면 언젠간 스팀이 탈중앙을 이루는데 크게 기여할수있으리라 봅니다.

그때를 되돌아 보니 KR 커뮤니티에서는 비지를 훨씬 더 많이 쓰고 있었네요. 이스팀은 UI가 많이 개선되었고, KR 큐레이터만 있으면 가능성은 있다고 봐요.

그러고보니 대략 1년전 비지에서 보팅도 꽤 해주고 한국인도 많았던걸로 기억나네요. 지금은 그냥 유저들이 전반적으로 많이 쭘.. ㅇ_ㅇ


Wow Cool, like I have to try thanks to the information. What is it only for desktop versions only?

no it's for all versions. i'm just saying i usually use the desktop version :)

OK I will try it. It seems that the current version is more complete.

Posted using Partiko Android

I used to have Esteem but lately, I guess it got corrupted, it was giving all sorts of notifications from other people's accounts that has nothing to do with my account so I had to uninstall it. I am not sure if the devs are aware but that was kind of scary. I might reinstall it soon, because I loved how it gave free upvotes.

Posted using Partiko Android

man that sounds strange. i never had that issue.
maybe uninstall and try again?
i use only my posting key just in case.

and i just wish they would make a web version.. :)

Okay thank you I will try again. Have a nice day!

Posted using Partiko Android

Do you use mobile app to posts blogs and comments @benedict08? I tried installing the desktop version but it is too slow.

Buenas noche amigo @roundbeargames deseo quese encuentre bien amigo y que logré conseguir una aplicación que satisfaga sus necesidades amigo. 🍽 🍺.

amigo thanks for coming. enjoy your sunday :)

hi @roundbeargames how are you today? this esteem application is the application that I usually use, right? via android ..😊

Posted using Partiko Android

i'm doing good thanks. right now i'm mostly using esteem and steempeak

hehehe I don't understand steampeak😇

Posted using Partiko Android

Woohoo, welcome aboard to eSteem @roundbeargames bro.

Hopefully, the esteem mobile version will add on the "schedule post" feature soon...

lol thanks. i've been using esteem for quite a while now 😆
and eagerly waiting for the web version!

I have been using partiko it seems fairly similar.

Posted using Partiko Android

i've tried partiko too. just comes down to personal taste i guess :)

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