The payment feature on WhatsApp Entered Beta phase
Whatsapp is reported to have started to test the payment feature based UPI in India. This new feature, available to some users of Android and iOS beta WhatsApp selected, allows users to send and receive money using the standard Unified Payments Interface (UPI) the Government of India.
This feature mentioned recently is available in the 2.18.21 version of WhatsApp for Android and iOS for the 2.18.41 version. Considering the user base WhatsApp in India and even the world, the integration of this payment platform can encourage adoption of digital payment that could open up new opportunities.
Based on the testimony of a number of users, payment via WhatsApp features are accessible from the button attachment displayed in the window of a conversation. Payment options located on another option in addition to the Document, Camera, Gallery, Audio, Location and Contact. When selected, the user will see a Windows notification rules are followed by the list of banks to be associated to the user account.
For those who already use system ICU, they simply perform the integration to your WhatsApp. Whereas for non-users, merereka must authenticate your account PIN and make UPI before can move on to the next step. After all the settings are completed, the user can perform transactions from WhatsApp. And regarding the use system ICU, then the transferred funds will be up in seconds.
Unfortunately, as a number of the features through the beta phase to another, is not yet clear whether WhatsApp will really take it to the final version so it can be used by the public. But, it is well that the presence of a payment feature on WhatsApp will open opportunities to many things, including generating income from merchant or commercial nature of the transaction, such as purchasing goods and others.
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Fitur Pembayaran di WhatsApp Masuki Fase Beta
WhatsApp dilaporkan telah mulai menguji fitur pembayaran berbasis UPI di India. Fitur baru ini, tersedia untuk beberapa pengguna WhatsApp beta Android dan iOS terpilih, memungkinkan pengguna mengirim dan menerima uang menggunakan standar Unified Payments Interface (UPI) pemerintah India.
Fitur ini disebutkan baru tersedia di WhatsApp versi 2.18.21 untuk Android dan versi 2.18.41 untuk iOS. Mengingat basis pengguna WhatsApp yang cukup besar di India dan bahkan dunia, integrasi platform pembayaran ini dapat mendorong adopsi pembayaran digital yang bisa membuka peluang-peluang baru.
Berdasarkan kesaksian sejumlah pengguna, fitur pembayaran via WhatsApp dapat diakses dari tombol attachment yang terpajang di jendela percakapan. Opsi Payment terletak di pilihan lain di samping Document, Camera, Gallery, Audio, Location dan Contact. Ketika dipilih, pengguna akan melihat jendela pemberitahuan aturan main yang diikuti oleh daftar bank untuk dikaitkan ke akun pengguna.
Bagi yang sudah menggunakan sistem UPI, mereka cukup melakukan integrasi ke akun WhatsApp. Sedangkan bagi non-pengguna, merereka harus melakukan otentikasi PIN dan membuat akun UPI sebelum bisa melanjutkan ke langkah berikutnya. Setelah semua pengaturan rampung, pengguna dapat melakukan transaksi dari WhatsApp. Dan berhubung menggunakan sistem UPI, maka dana yang ditransfer akan sampai dalam hitungan detik.
Sayangnya, seperti sejumlah fitur yang melalui fase beta lainnya, belum jelas apakah WhatsApp benar-benar akan membawanya ke versi final sehingga bisa digunakan oleh publik. Tapi, betul bahwa kehadiran fitur pembayaran di WhatsApp akan membuka peluang ke banyak hal, termasuk menghasilkan pemasukan dari merchant atau transaksi bersifat komersil, seperti pembelian barang dan lain-lain.
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