Political april 2019
This way should be used Later April 2019
- We use the way our friends in malaysia there ..sy skrg in malaysia ... as where we ketahwi that in malaysia just finished election / election and opposition party won a landslide .... but before election, hard work also sdh in executed that is by way of boycotting all foreign comer ... .yg where all the foreign arrivals banned out of the houseon the day in conducting the election tsb ..... this is done because the allegedly the distribution of ID cards to foreigners .... so later before the election in Indonesia let us same boycott Chinese Illegal foreigners, who appears out and want choose .. catch and fry up ....iNI STATEMENT OUR FRIENDS IN MALAYSIA DAPET COPAS FROM GROUP NEXT *
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who knows the name change like our brother under from Selamet Riadi to "TURISNO"