Benefits of Black Turmeric for Health

in #esteem7 years ago

There are actually various kinds of Saffron, turmeric not only the common yellow creature we know, but there was also a black turmeric has tremendous benefits.

Black turmeric which has the scientific name "Curcuma Caesia" is native from the region of india or the Northeast.

As for Indonesia's society has been doing black turmeric cultivation, but not as much as the cultivation of turmeric yellow creature,

This is because maintenance and breeding of black turmeric turmeric is generally not as easy, where more elaborate cultivation of turmeric and black also need more diligence.

Indonesia community is already very familiar with the utilization of herbal plant herbal plants, where it is assessed to have huge benefits. In fact, many people who prefer a treatment with the use of herbal ingredients.

Black turmeric itself has been popularly used as a traditional herbal medicine, particularly in his home country that is india. Many communities India that leverages the benefits of black turmeric for treatment of fever, coughs and colds, pneumonia, asthma, and other diseases.

In Indonesia alone, black turmeric have also been quite popular, even already often used as material for making drinks nutritious herbs. Below follows a variety of black turmeric benefits :

1. In order to be Ageless

People surely want to look young even though still above the 30-year-old, so to make it look youthful need to care and maintain skin health as well.

Black turmeric contain a high content of antioxidants antioxidants have an important role in hindering the aging on the body. By utilizing this black turmeric could be useful so that you can look several years younger.

Black turmeric provides great benefits for the health and appearance of skin. With consumption is beneficial to the health of the skin, and makes the skin more toned and moisturized. In addition to consumption, You can use black turmeric as a body scrub.

2. For the treatment of cancer

Cancer already known is a very deadly disease. The best way to handle that is to detect cancer early symptoms that are developing in the body. The following symptoms of cancer :

  • Cancer of the throat or stomach cancer has symptoms of pain when swallowing, appears curiously vomiting, weight loss, sound tends to be hoarse.
  • Pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, and lung cancer marked by early symptoms in the form of weight loss drastically for no reason.
  • Signs of skin cancer generally changes the color of the surface of the skin, itching, skin and eyes become yellowish, skin bruising without cause, excessive hair growth, occurrence of hyperpigmentation (skin tones tend to be darker), until it could be rriterma (skin color tends to be reddish).
  • Breast cancer marked by early symptoms in the form of a lump in the breast, and then putting the melesak, there is a certain fluid coming out of the nipple, breast skin lined (it could also be redness).
  • Ovarian cancer is characterized by the symptoms of bloated stomach that feels constantly and accompanied by bleeding from the vagina. In addition it can be accompanied with the decrease in weight dramatically without a clear cause.
  • The presence of Symptoms of ovarian cancer, cancer of the throat and stomach cancer is the occurrence of heartburn that failed to take off.
  • Oral cancer is characterized by the symptoms in the form of bright reddish blotches (sometimes white) inside the mouth and tongue.
  • Leukemia or blood cancer characterized by the early symptoms of prolonged fever.
  • You need to be alert when there is a history of pancreatic cancer in the family, in which the symptoms of depression that is accompanied by prolonged stomach pain can be a symptom of pancreatic cancer.
  • Testicular cancer is generally preceded the symptoms in the form of lumps on the testicles of men.
  • Pee are not difficult to control (or even bedwetting) and urine difficult coming out can be a symptom of prostate cancer.
  • The appearance of blood in the stool can be a symptom of bowel cancer.
  • The occurrence of urinating blood could be a symptom of kidney or bladder cancer.
  • Headaches that occur on an ongoing basis and not natural can be early symptoms of a brain tumor.
  • Back pain which is not natural (prolonged) can be a symptom of ovarian cancer, colon cancer, and cancer of the rectum.
  • Other symptoms of cancer fatigue on the body failed to subside despite resting enough, the appearance of blood in the stool, a cough which failed to take off up to four weeks, coughing blood.

The content of antioxidants in black turmeric also likely can provide benefits for the treatment of heart disease and stroke. Extract and turmeric (curcuma caesia) black contain natural antioxidants that are pure and almost does not cause side effects on the body that could be dangerous.

Know of any great benefits turmeric on black, the author expects that the Central Government (i.e. the Ministry of agriculture and Ministry of health) and all the experts concerned can seriously to develop the utilization of materials turmeric herbal black in order to be a superior bio-pharmacy medicinal plants.

For the utilization of black turmeric singly, then how to make his Potion :

  1. Provide the turmeric dried cut into small pieces black 20 gr.
  2. After that black turmeric washed to clean with running water.
  3. after it is boiled together with 600 ml of water to the boil.
  4. let the stew boil water in water until the stew is left only one selengah glass.
    After that strain and let cool.
  5. Drunk three times a day (once drank half a glass).
  6. So that it feels not too bitter, then you could add two teaspoons of pure honey so that more delicious drink.

3. for facial and body Skin

Benefits from consuming black turmeric is can make the skin smoother, content inside black turmeric is working to smooth the skin, and help clean up or reduce red spots on the skin, which is often experienced this issue a lot.

Various forms of spots on the skin that can be removed with black turmeric that is evolves in different types of patches, inflammation of the skin, and rashes. On most medicinal products to treat the rash, use the main ingredient in the form of extracts of turmeric.

In addition, black turmeric can be used as an alternative to natural cosmetics, thus preventing the dependence on komestik products whose price is quite expensive.

4. Treating diseases of the intestinal worms

Diseases of the intestinal worms not only risk experienced by children (as counted many people), but also can potentially experienced by adults. The thing that causes the spread of infections due to the worm is due to less maintain the cleanliness.

The symptoms of diseases of the intestinal worms are sometimes less felt so unconscious of its existence, and if the disease intestinal worms are not handled correctly then it could lead to health problems.

People who have experienced disease intestinal worms (especially children) will lose their appetite. You could make the herb that comes from a mixture of turmeric herbal black to drink regularly, which can treat the disease improved intestinal worms.

To avoid and prevent intestinal worms, here's how :

  1. Before cooking, select meat and fish that is fresh and stored in a clean place.
  2. If you want to cook a meal, then make sure you cook until completely cooked.
  3. Before being eaten, the fruit and vegetables should be washed to clean with running water.
  4. make sure change underwear every day.
  5. avoid scratching around the anal area itches. You need to cut and clean your nails regularly, and avoid biting.
  6. you must be diligent hand-washing, especially after urinating.
  7. avoid walking barefoot.
  8. If infected, flush part of the anus in the morning to reduce the number of worm eggs, because the usual worms lay their eggs at night.

5. Treat itchy skin

The cause of the onset of hives on the skin are generally a result of bacteria that attack the skin, as well as the State of the weather unfavourable can trigger the onset of itching on the skin.

Black turmeric can be used to help address the problem of itchy skin. Where in the kunit black contain which is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacteria that are beneficial to treat itchy skin. The benefits of turmeric is also able to fight inflammation in the skin.

6. Helps prevent Bone Porous

The occurrence of bone erosion can cause problems serious enough, where the weakened bone resistance could trigger the disease osteoporosis. This disease makes a person will trouble to undergo daily activities.

The occurrence of erosion of the bone to bone diseases osteoporisis due to not having enough calcium, vitamin D and also the weak absorption of bone nutrients from the foods and beverages consumed. Consume turmeric mixed with honey (or made into herbal medicine) can help to avoid this problem.

7. Minimize the pain of Osteoarthritis Disease

Disease of osteoarthritis is a condition where the body is experiencing pain at the bones and joints, bone became their impact be felt stiff and inflexible. The content inside black turmeric has a function as well as ibuprofen, which works to relieve pain due to osteoarthritis disease.

8. Treat Ulcer Disorders

Some habits that trigger the onset of ulcer disorders namely eating too much, eating too fast, smoking, often anxious or stressed, as well as excessive in the consumption of greasy food, spicy-spicy foods, fatty foods, chocolate, drinks caffeinated soda, drinks, and alcoholic beverages.

Ulcer disorders sufferers can try eating turmeric, where content in it helps to neutralize stomach acid, thus helping to prevent the onset of ulcer disorders often appear.

9. Treat the skin disease

Black turmeric have often used as a natural remedy for skin diseases such as ringworm, scabies, and other skin diseases. You just need to pound some black turmeric Rhizome, and then mixed with coconut oil, after that apply on the skin that is problematic.

10. Relieve headaches and migraine

Migraine headaches, dizziness or headaches can be very disturbing work or daily activities. To treat it, you can menghaluskanlah black turmeric Rhizome. Then DAB on the forehead that is experiencing headaches or migraine.

The existence of a warm effect inside black turmeric gives efficacy to relieve headaches. Be careful, don't get a headache if the handling is good then it could become more severe.

11. Natural cure for inflammatory bowel disease

Consumption of capsule turmeric extract black results could be useful for treating inflammatory disease in the bowel. You could be taking one capsule of black turmeric extract, twice a day (morning and afternoon) after a meal, the kegunaaannya will relieve the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease and launch the process of digestion in the body.

12. increase Stamina for patients with coronary artery disease

For patients with coronary artery disease, consuming black turmeric extract capsule 2 or 3 times a day after meals, it can be useful to maintain body fitness and endurance, as well as improve the stamina to run the daily activities.

13. Treat Colic

The content inside black turmeric can provide benefits for treating certain types of diseases of the stomach. As for treating stomach that feels to treat heartburn, stomach pain that occurs on an ongoing basis so make someone back and forth to the toilet. The benefits of turmeric are black is able to keep the digestive tract so that it goes well.

14. ASI Launched

Benefits of black turmeric is very useful for young mothers, namely to launch breast milk. Surely children aged under 1 year should be given a drink BREAST MILK instead of powdered milk formula.

With children obtain quality and insufficient BREAST MILK needs his body, then it is very important to grow hibiscus they can run well and optimally. This dipelukan black turmeric benefits for mothers breastfeeding.

15. Waging Menstruation

A woman experiencing menstruation often tormented when appear symptoms of abdominal pain. Natural ingredients saffron becomes one of natural ingredients that can be used to launch the menses.

Some beverages or herbs for menstrual use launches a major raw material in the form of turmeric. Either that or turmeric, saffron yellow black equally efficacious to launch the menses.

The benefits of turmeric black was able to normalize the amount of blood that comes out when the menstruation, menstrual cycle control, avoid colors abnormal menstrual blood, and prevents problems pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) as flatulence.

It's just that still required further research to analyze the efficacy of certain black turmeric to eliminate annoying symptoms when menses.

16. Nourish the reproductive organs

The content of antioxidants found in many little black turmeric gives benefits to nourish the reproductive organs so that makes women more productive, as well as beneficial to the health of the vagina and breasts.

Behind its benefits, you should still keep a dose of black turmeric consumption. Herbal and health experts advise people not to eat more than black turmeric 500 mg in each day.

When the dose exceeds it will cause problems or side effects such as gallbladder disorders and allergies.

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