The Innocence of a Child.
And when its snatched and robbed from them it makes me very wild.
There’s nothing more endearing than to watch a child at play
Responsibilities they do not have, No burdens night or day.
But should we hover constantly? Fret over every cough?
In days gone by we’d let them go, to parks and fields nearby
Exhausted, happy, they’d return, after waving their friends Good-bye.
In the hearts of some, evil exits. And yes, we do ask, Why?
The innocence of our children’s lives should be a priority
And whatever you do, wherever you go, provide security.
With fantasies and imaginings, they stimulate their brains
They’ll grow too soon and become aware, that life’s not always nice
Protect their eyes, their ears, their hearts; That is my best advice.
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A very nice article! Such a good read.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Many thanks for your support @kaminchan Much appreciated.
very nice:)
Thank you @orhem
It is important to let them roam free.
Within wise boundaries in my opinion @intrepidphotos After bringing up three sons who are all mature, successful individuals, I believe it is so important to guide them with life decisons whilst simultaneously teaching them to become confident and independant people. Helicopter parenting produces the direct opposite results, making it extremely difficult for young adults to remain immature and insecure.
Many thanks for your visit and input. Greatly appreciated.
Yes agree. I have two sons 3 an 5. It is sad that nature deficit disorder is a “thing” in this modern world .
Haha......I haven't heard that term before "Nature Deficit Disorder," @intrepidphotos I like it, but unfortunately, it is so true.
The more you read about Nature Deficit Disorder the more it explains a lot of things.
You've inspired me to do more research on the subject @intrepidphotos. Thank you.
I loved it
I very rarely resteem, but in this case...I just had to
Thank you so much @arthur.grafo I'm honoured by your comments and generous resteem.