Buah santol (boh sutui) | Fruit santol (boh sutui)

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)


Pernahkah kamu memakan buah santol ? Buah santol rasanya asam manis, sangat enak kalau di makan pakai garam dan cabe rawit. Caranya kupas dulu buah santolnya lalu cuci uang bersih biar getahnya menghilang kemudian cincang daging buahnya. Lalu taburin garam sampai merata selanjutnya peraslah buah santol tersebut sampai keluar semua air yang rasanya agam asam.


Have you ever eaten the fruit of a santol? The santol fruits taste sweet, very good if you eat with salt and cayenne pepper. The way peas first fruit santolnya then wash the clean money let sap disappear and then minced the flesh. Then taburin salt until uniformly then juice the fruit of the santol until it comes out all the water that taste the acid sour.


Nah, kalau buat santol sudah di peras maka tinggal di makan dengan garam dan cabe rawit. Rasakan enaknya buah santol yang rasanya bikin ngiler keluar. Apalagi di makan rame - rame rasanya lebih mantap walau mata kadang - kadang bisa menutup mata sebelah dengan sendirinya.


Well, if you make the santol already in the squeeze then stay in the meal with salt and cayenne pepper. Feel the taste of the fruits of santol that make it drool out. Especially in eating rame - rame it feels more steady even though the eyes can sometimes close the other eye by itself.


Buah santol bisa juga di buat manisan rasanya tidak bisa di ucapkan dengan kata - kata jangankan memakannya langsung membayangkannya saja tampa terasa ngiler menetes. Buah santol ini biasanya tumbuh di hutan, tetapi biasanya di pasar tradisional ada juga di jual buah sant ini. Tapi harus di ingat ya, biji buah santol hanya bisa di hisap jangan di telan ya karena kalau di telan nanti susah buang air besar karena tidak hancur di cerna oleh alat pencernaan kita. Bijinya juga ada yang rasa manis juga ada yang rasa asam manis.

Fruit can also be made in candied taste can not be pronounced with words - words do not eat it instantly imagine it just tampa drool dripping. The santol is usually grown in the forest, but usually in traditional markets there are also on sale this sant fruit. But it must be remembered, the seeds of santol fruit can only be suctioned not in swallow ya because if in the later will be difficult to defecate because it is not destroyed in digestion by our digestive tool. The seeds also have a sweet taste also there is a sweet sour taste.


Buah santol memang enak dengan ke asemannya

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Buah Setui ya

buah kecapi

Puwoe ke lon meu 2 boh

Boh sutUi skrg udah langka.. Great post rakan

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