My Village / Kampungku [Bilingual]

in #esteem6 years ago

I am in the middle of the ceremony, surrounded by people who are of course different characters on each. The young man is an example. They were busy playing a Malaysian song. But I think they're in a heartbroken romance, abandoned by lovers.


Cornered there. Seen a mother-mother who accompanied his son playing ria. Just like a rinso ad. Not afraid of stains on the clothes of his son who was playing the ground. Every now and then he rebuked not to get to the streets. For some reason, tonight the road is really busy. Not like cars and trains.

Across from there were dads, mothers and children who were absorbed in watching their favorite television. Especially if not a soap opera romance. I think they are remembering the days of youth first. Like a plate of dumbness.

My village is quiet when it's late. But not with this quiet night. I just sat there looking pensive. Accompanied by clove cigarettes in my hands. I also write this story. Stories that I know not seotangpun who care about it. However, yes I have to write it down. It's just a matter of losing my saturation to this world.

Actually not the young man who pity, nor is a mother and her child, let alone the family of a father, mother and child, but I am being hit by sadness. Himself stunned, contemplating every sad pain.

Although I know, it's not the world that is playing with me, but I'm the one who seems to be indifferent to her. So he left me alone. Do not you feel sorry for me?


Aku sedang berada ditengah keramian, dikerumuni oleh manusia yang tentu berbeda-beda karakter pada setiapnya. Anak muda itu contohnya. Mereka tengah asyik memainkan sebuah lagu Malaysia yang berjudul Pilu. Namun kupikir mereka sedang dilanda asmara patah hati, ditinggalkan kekasih. Malang nian.


Disudut sana. Terlihat seorang Ibu-ibu yang menemani anaknya bermain ria. Persis seperti iklan rinso. Tak takut terkena noda pada baju anaknya yang sedang bermain tanah. Sesekali ia menegur agar jangan sampai kejalanan. Sebab entah kenapa, malam ini jalan benar-benar sibuk. Tak seperti biasanya mobil dan kereta lintas jam segini.

Di seberang sana tampak ayah, ibu dan anak yang sedang asyik menonton televisi kesayangan mereka. Apalagi kalau bukan sinetron percintaan. Ku pikir mereka sedang mengenang masa-masa muda dulu. Bak sepiring berduapun rela.

Kampungku terbilang sunyi kalau sudah larut. Tapi tidak dengan malam yang sunyi ini. Aku hanya duduk termenung melihat sana sini. Dengan ditemani rokok kretek ditanganku. Akupun menuliskan cerita ini. Cerita yang ku tau tak seotangpun yang memperdulikannya. Namun, ya aku harus menuliskannya. Ini hanya sebatas menghilangkan kejenuhanku kepada dunia ini.

Sebenarnya bukan pemuda itu yang kasihan, juga bukan seorang ibu dan anaknya tersebut, apalagi keluarga seorang ayah, ibu dan anak itu, melainkan akulah yang sedang dilanda kesedihan. Sendiri terpaku, merenungi setiap kesedihan pilu itu.

Walau ku tahu, bukan dunia ini yang mempermainkanku, tapi aku yang seakan acuh padanya. Sehingga ia membiarkanku sendiri begini. Tidakkah kalian merasa kasihan kepadaku?



Tapi kampungku.. Bukanlah kampungmu.. Hehe salam kenal mas..

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