Memperingati Hari Kartini Tanggal 21 April / Celebrating Kartini Day April 21st (Bilingual)

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)

Hari ini, Sabtu tanggal 21 April 2018 adalah hari Kartini. Raden Ajeng Kartini adalah salah satu pahlawan wanita yang terkenal sebagai pelopor emansipasi wanita. Ibu Kartini dilahirkan di kota Jepara propinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia dan wafat pada tanggal 17 September 1904 di kota Rembang, propinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia pada usia 25 tahun. Untuk mengenang jasa-jasanya dalam meningkatkan derajat wanita Indonesia, maka setiap tanggal 21 April diperingati sebagai hari Kartini.

Di sekolah anakku di SDN Surakarya 01 Susukan, Bojonggede, Bogor, propinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia sedang diadakan lomba memakai pakaian daerah dan lomba menghias nasi tumpeng. Beberapa murid-murid kelas 5 SD (Sekolah Dasar) menjadi peserta lomba memakai pakaian daerah. Di bawah ini adalah beberapa foto teman-teman anakku yang mengikuti lomba menggunakan pakaian daerah :



Pakaian adat Betawi / Jakarta

Pakaian adat Bali

Beberapa murid-murid yang menjadi peserta lomba berfoto bersama salah satu guru mereka

Sayangnya aku belum tahu siapa yang menjadi pemenang dalam lomba tersebut karena pengumuman pemenang lomba diumumkan hari Senin. Meskipun begitu mereka tetap bersemangat berpartisipasi lomba dalam memperingati hari Kartini. Sayangnya anak pertamaku tidak ikut dalam lomba memakai pakaian adat karena aku tidak punya koleksi pakaian adat yang sesuai untuk badannya yang kurus dan tempat-tempat penyewaan pakaian adat di dekat rumahku sudah kehabisan koleksi pakaian adat diserbu alias disewa oleh ibu-ibu yang anaknya ikut lomba memakai pakaian daerah yang diadakan di sekolah-sekolah di kampung tempat tinggalku. Harga sewa pakaian adat juga lumayan mahal bagiku mulai dari Rp 80.000 ke atas tergantung jenis pakaian adat yang dipilih.

Selain lomba memakai pakaian adat diadakan juga lomba menghias nasi tumpeng. Di bawah ini adalah salah satu nasi tumpeng yang baru selesai dihias dan dibuat oleh ibu-ibu, orang tua murid kelas 5 SD (Sekolah Dasar) :

Nasi tumpeng warna kuning dengan topping bermacam-macam olahan makanan seperti : mie goreng, tempe orek atau tempe kecap, sambal goreng kentang, ati goreng, telur dadar, urap sayuran, perkedel kentang dan ayam bakar. Nasi tumpengnya
dihias dengan potongan wortel, telur rebus yang mengelilingi nasi tumpeng, ada juga telur rebus yang dihias seperti boneka, lucu dan kreatif, tampilan nasi tumpengnya juga menarik dan menggugah selera.

Demikian sekilas tentang lomba memakai pakaian adat dan lomba menghias nasi tumpeng dalam rangka memperingati hari Kartini setiap tanggal 21

English :

Today, Saturday, April 21, 2018 is Kartini's day. Raden Ajeng Kartini is one of the famous female heroes as the pioneer of women's emancipation. Ibu Kartini was born in Jepara city of Central Java province, Indonesia and died on 17 September 1904 in Rembang city, Central Java province, Indonesia at the age of 25 years. To commemorate his services in improving the degree of Indonesian women, then every April 21 is celebrated as Kartini Day.

At my daughter's school in SDN Surakarya 01 Susukan, Bojonggede, Bogor, West Java province, Indonesia is being held a race wearing regional clothes and a tumpeng rice decoration competition. Some of the 5th graders of elementary school (elementary school) become participants in the race to wear regional clothes. Below are some photos of my son's friends who followed the race using the clothing area:



Traditional Betawi / Jakarta clothes

Traditional Balinese Clothes

Some of the students who took part in the competition took pictures with one of their teachers

Unfortunately I do not yet know who won the race because the announcement of the winner of the race was announced on Monday. Nevertheless they are still eager to participate in the race to commemorate Kartini's day. Unfortunately my first child did not participate in the race wearing custom clothing because I do not have a collection of custom clothing suitable for his skinny body and places rental of traditional clothing near my house has run out of custom clothing collection invaded alias hired by mothers whose children took part in the race to wear local clothes held in the schools in my village. The price of custom clothing rental is also quite expensive for me starting from Rp 80.000 and above depending on the type of custom clothing selected.

In addition to customs wearing race also held a tumpeng rice decoration competition. Below is one of the newly completed cone-shaped yellow rice (tumpeng rice) made and decorated by mothers, parents of 5th grade elementary school (elementary school):

Cone-shaped yellow rice (tumpeng rice) with topping various processed foods such as: fried noodles, tempe orek or tempe soy sauce, fried hot chili potatoes, fried chicken liver , omelet, vegetable salad, fried potato cakes and grilled chicken. Tumpeng rice decorated with carrot chunks, boiled eggs that surround the tumpeng rice, there are also boiled eggs decorated like a doll, funny and creative, the look of rice tumpeng also interesting and tempting.

Such a glimpse of the race wearing custom clothing and the race of cone-shaped yellow rice (tumpeng rice) in order to commemorate the day of Kartini every 21 April. More sorry, thank you for taking the time to read this post.


semngat para Kartini steemians.

Eh sekarang hari Kartini ya mah !!! ,

Udah lewat pah 😁

Ini sangat mengenang masa sejarah

This post has received a 17.86% upvote from @aksdwi thanks to: @santiintan.

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