Good afternoon steemians
After several days ago, I Have not countributing in this site. But today I Will try to post a content photografy. My photografy for today is white flowers photografy content.
This is my enterest photografy today. I look this flowers and immediatelly took a picture. Like this is appear it.
I share in this site. I hope all steemians would give a countributing in my this post.
Thank you
YAyayayaya kereen tpi lbih kerrn lgi fokus kn lensa nya ke bunga biar lbih jelaas
ini postingan saya.... Dn itu saraan syaa
Terima kasih kawan... Tapi bunga ini kecil sekali..
Walau pun kecil kalau kita titik fokuskn n dekat kn lensa nya pasti smpurna
Liat fto di bawaaah ini yg bunga kcil juga
Tu bunga kecil juga lbih dri bunga terong
tu juga binatang kecil