Thank You For Your Attention♥️Terima Kasih Atas Perhatian Kalian

Thanks to all mankind who have cared for them and the trust that has channeled donations from every community, institution, individual, and all elements of society through ACT. Dapur Umum Indonesia will continue to distribute staple food at fast food during The Great Return March on the Gaza border.
Shared from tent to tent of the participants of the action, the land of Palestine seized by Zionist Israel. Insha Allah, our support will always inspire them to continue fighting for their rights and returning their homeland. 
“Whoever dispatches (finances) those who fight in the way of Allah, he also fights. And whoever takes care of the family of the man who is at war well, then he also fought."(HR.Bukhari).
Shared from tent to tent of the participants of the action, the land of Palestine seized by Zionist Israel. Insha Allah, our support will always inspire them to continue fighting for their rights and returning their homeland.
Terima kasih kepada seluruh umat manusia yang telah memperdulikan mereka dan kepercayaan yang telah menyalurkan donasi dari setiap komunitas, lembaga, individu, dan semua elemen masyarakat melalui ACT. Dapur Umum Indonesia akan terus mendistribusikan omakanan pokok siap saji selama The Great Return March di perbatasan Gaza berlangsung.
Dibagikan dari tenda ke tenda para peserta aksi, tanah warga Palestina yang dirampas oleh zionis Israel. Insya Allah, dukungan kita senantiasa akan membangkitkan semangat mereka untuk terus memperjuangkan hak-hak mereka dan mengembalikan tanah airnya.

“Whoever dispatches (finances) those who fight in the way of Allah, he also fights. And whoever takes care of the family of the man who is at war well, then he also fought."(HR.Bukhari).
“Siapa yang memberangkatkan (mendanai) orang yang berperang di jalan Allah, berarti dia juga ikut berperang. Dan siapa yang mengurusi keluarga orang yang sedang berperang dengan baik, berarti dia juga ikut berperang.” (HR Bukhari)

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