Aren't We Ashamed - Tidakkah Kita Malu
So today ,,,
If fasting feels weak,,,
If tarawih is tiring,,,
If the recitation is patronized,,,
Let's look a moment in the direction of Palestine or Syria.
Because they can represent us at the forefront of faith, burned by the summer, bothered, gripped with threats, treated to iron and fire, but they are tough. They and blood flow with broken bones, but did not want to cancel shaum because they want to martyrdom to meet his Rabb in a state of fasting.
They are young girls who write the name in his hand, so if shahadah pick up and crushed body that is not difficult to ask what his name. Today when the fruit and fruit collections do not satisfy our ifthar, look for a moment to the land that the cat was so halal due to the absence of food again.
Then are not we here thankful for the blessings that Allah has given us by using worship to Him ??
let's contemplate,,,
Where is our embarrassment to our brothers there If we are not fasting?
Where is our sense of obedience and fear to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala if we are ungodly?
Though we can run the fasting fast with no threat,,,
And we can enjoy any food that we like to make breaking fast and sahur
Though we can pray taraweh calmly and khusyu, anywhere stout mosque standing in every alley,,
Are we still denying the blessings that Allah gave?
If fasting feels weak,,,
If tarawih is tiring,,,
If the recitation is patronized,,,
Let's look a moment in the direction of Palestine or Syria.
Because they can represent us at the forefront of faith, burned by the summer, bothered, gripped with threats, treated to iron and fire, but they are tough. They and blood flow with broken bones, but did not want to cancel shaum because they want to martyrdom to meet his Rabb in a state of fasting.
They are young girls who write the name in his hand, so if shahadah pick up and crushed body that is not difficult to ask what his name. Today when the fruit and fruit collections do not satisfy our ifthar, look for a moment to the land that the cat was so halal due to the absence of food again.
Jadi hari ini,,,Today we are warned by God with the condition of the Palestinians and their heroism and would rather meet God than live justify a tyrant. And with Syria the compilation of the story of a mother who cooks rock and lulls a bullet is a fact.
Jika puasa terasa lemah,,,
Jika tarawih melelahkan,,,
Jika penghafalan direndahkan,,,
Mari kita lihat sebentar ke arah Palestina atau Suriah.
Karena mereka dapat mewakili kita di garis depan iman, dibakar oleh musim panas, terganggu, dicekam dengan ancaman, diperlakukan dengan besi dan api, tetapi mereka tangguh dan tangguh. Mereka nan darah mengalir dengan tulang yang patah, tetapi tidak ingin membatalkan shaum karena mereka ingin mati syahid untuk menemui Rabb-nya dalam keadaan puasa.
Mereka adalah gadis-gadis muda yang menulis nama di tangannya, jadi jika shahadah mengambil dan menghancurkan tubuh yang tidak sulit untuk menanyakan siapa namanya. Hari ini ketika koleksi buah tidak memuaskan ifthar kita, cari sejenak ke tanah bahwa kucing itu begitu halal karena tidak adanya makanan lagi.
Then are not we here thankful for the blessings that Allah has given us by using worship to Him ??
let's contemplate,,,
Where is our embarrassment to our brothers there If we are not fasting?
Where is our sense of obedience and fear to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala if we are ungodly?
Though we can run the fasting fast with no threat,,,
And we can enjoy any food that we like to make breaking fast and sahur
Though we can pray taraweh calmly and khusyu, anywhere stout mosque standing in every alley,,
Are we still denying the blessings that Allah gave?
Hari ini kita memang diperingatkan oleh Tuhan dengan kondisi orang Palestina dan kepahlawanan mereka dan lebih suka bertemu dengan Tuhan daripada hidup membenarkan tiran. Dan dengan Suriah kompilasi kisah seorang ibu yang memasak batu dan meninabobokan peluru adalah sebuah fakta.
Maka bukankah kita di sini bersyukur atas nikmat yang Allah telah berikan kepada kita dengan menggunakan penyembahan kepada-Nya?
Mari kita renungkan ,,,
Di mana rasa malu kita kepada saudara-saudara kita di sana Jika kita tidak berpuasa?
Di mana rasa ketaatan dan ketakutan kita kepada Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala jika kita durhaka?
Padahal kita bisa menjalankan puasa dengan cepat tanpa ada ancaman ,,,
Dan kita dapat menikmati makanan apa pun yang kita sukai untuk buka puasa dan sahur meskipun kita bisa berdoa taraweh dengan tenang dan khusyu, di mana saja stout masjid berdiri di setiap gang ,,,
Apakah kita masih menyangkal berkat yang Allah berikan?