ACT Standby Medical Center in Al-Awdah March - Posko Medis ACT Siaga di Tengah Al-Awdah March

in #esteem6 years ago
Bloodshed again. From the first week on Friday (30/3), there were always martyrs on Gaza and Israel border lands every week. Trying to fight for peace is not well received. Even the Israeli Zionists did not stop fighting Gaza protests with sharp bullets.
At an emergency medical post located not far from the action site of Gazans, some of the action participants were rushed to the ground. With the wound so that the visible blood out in some parts of their body. The groans of adult patients and child crying filled the entire medical tent, combined with an ambulance siren outside the tent.
Pertumpahan darah lagi. Dari minggu pertama pada hari Jumat (30/3), selalu ada para martir di Gaza dan wilayah perbatasan Israel setiap minggu. Mencoba memperjuangkan perdamaian tidak diterima dengan baik. Bahkan Zionis Israel tidak berhenti memerangi protes Gaza dengan peluru tajam.
Di posko medis darurat yang berada tidak jauh dari lokasi aksi warga Gaza, daro beberapa peserta aksi dilarikan dengan terkapah-kapah. Dengan luka sehingga keluar darah yang terlihat di beberapa bagian tubuh mereka. Raungan pasien dewasa dan tangisan anak memenuhi seisi tenda medis tersebut, berpadu dengan sirine ambulans di luar tenda.
The interest was felt at the ACT Medical Post on the Gaza-Israel border. Both doctors and local nurses ACT volunteers do not stop serving the wounded from Al-Awdah March. ACT Medical Post accommodates dozens to dozens of patients at a time. While doctors and nurse volunteers ACT handle at least 506 cases of minor injuries in the action of Al-Awdah March.
ACT volunteers also dealt with six severely injured patients. They take it to the hospital using two ambulance cars on alert near the medical post of ACT Medical Post in the field equipped with adequate supplies of medicines. The massive emergency medical services in the midst of Al-Awdah March action can not be separated from the full support of the people of Indonesia to the Palestinians.
Kegentingan terasa di Posko Medis ACT di perbatasan Gaza-Israel. Baik relawan dokter dan perawat lokal ACT tidak henti-hentinya melayani korban luka dari aksi Al-Awdah March. Posko Medis ACT menampung belasan hingga puluhan pasien dalam sekali waktu. Sementara para relawan dokter dan perawat ACT menangani setidaknya 506 kasus luka ringan pada aksi Al-Awdah March.
Relawan ACT juga menangani enam pasien yang terluka parah. Mereka membawanya ke rumah sakit menggunakan dua mobil ambulans dengan waspada di dekat pos medis ACT Medical Post di lapangan yang dilengkapi dengan persediaan obat-obatan yang memadai. Layanan medis darurat besar-besaran di tengah-tengah aksi Al-Awdah March tidak dapat dipisahkan dari dukungan penuh rakyat Indonesia kepada Palestina.

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