Welcoming the victory day with traditional Acehnese cake "Keukarah" | Happy Eid Mubarak 1439 H
Eid Mubarak is the culmination of the implementation of fasting.Idul Fitri has a meaning that is closely related to the goal to be achieved from the obligation to fast itself is a man who pious.
To welcome the Eid Mubarak festivities various ways are done by the people of Aceh. Starting from cleaning the house, making a typical food aceh or aceh cake and other food foods are also prepared to welcome guests who come home. be it relatives, relatives, friends and friends who are close to his house.
One of Aceh's most popular cakes is keukarah or there is also a mention karah, keukarah is one of Aceh's traditional cakes made from a mixture of flour and coconut milk shaped sized one adult palm that produces sweet, crunchy, crisp and fragile.
At first glance, this cake is similar to a bird's nest.
Because of its unique shape, this cake is often used as souvenirs typical of Aceh.
In addition, this karah cake is usually served at the wedding as a delivery from the men to the women and presented at the time of the feast or the traditional ceremony and kenduri Aceh.
Not many can make this type of cake. The process is quite difficult and in the traditional way. It takes patience and caution.
The process of making it starts by stirring the rice flour, sugar, and water into a thick dough. Then there is a coconut shell container with lots of holes to drain the dough into the cooking oil. after the shape of the slab like a bird's nest-like fiber, then newly formed like a crescent moon.
I once tried to make this cake, when I saw my aunt was making keukarah I ask to try it some times my homemade cake failed not as expected, there is a charred and some are not like the desired keukarah but I keep trying and the results are a bit middling.
well how about you if you can make or try to make this unique cake, if not then you should try it so that this typical cake aceh still able to survive for the next generation.
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Pictures taken using smartphone camera, Xiaomi Redmi 4X.

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Pictures taken using smartphone camera, Xiaomi Redmi 4X.

Pictures taken using smartphone camera, Xiaomi Redmi 4X.

Bereh that, salut long ke nawir....👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Dumpue bereh😂👍