In the afternoon, the scenery is surrounded by beautiful golden colors
Sometimes the view of nature around the sun turns golden when the sun sets in the afternoon,
This afternoon,I was sitting on the river for a long time watching Balihans play and how the ducks eat fish in the river and when we watched the ducks move in groups, the view around nature has become very attractive and the sunlight has turned golden in the river water.And this kind of natural sounds very good to me.
The nature around us is so beautiful that we can see it only if we notice.Because the Creator has created everything so beautiful in our world.We who love to enjoy the beauty of nature go to different places of the country to see the beauty of nature.!
Again there are some classes of people in this world who are ruining the beauty of nature day by day.I want to say something to their purpose.!
love nature because we take so many benefits from nature, so it is our responsibility to protect nature.Moreover, everything in nature is useful to human needs.!
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I'm rs-farhan i live in bangladesh i am proud to have been born in such a beautiful country.I love the beauty of the nature of this world and love nature is a beautiful variety of flowers.!