Transfortasi BUS CAR Aceh In the past
*** Transfortasi Mobil Aceh In the past ***
In accordance with the times, the progress of technology and information increasingly sophisticated and modern.
Aceh in the old (1970s) very classic transfortation, this is the image of the car in the past, this car is in use by the community to travel from one city districts menunu district city contained in the province of aceh
This passenger car is still quite great, if we badingkan in the capital city outside the province of Aceh, this car does not use automatic or metic engine operating system, but still rely on axle doble and engine power as much as 4 peston.
I say that Aceh has been ***a great time *** if we look at the development of the era that aceh in 2018 today, Aceh has the most sophisticated and most luxurious transportation around the world.