The Benefits Of Bay Leaf

in #esteem6 years ago

Bay leaves are often used for cooking food in order to be more delicious. Leaves usually as seasoning for a fine cuisine on the cuisine in the form of dried or fresh.

Behind it, there are the benefits of bay leaf essential to health, which unfortunately is often overlooked by many people.

Content of leaves :

  • Antioxidants. The antioxidant content in the bay leaf is able to treat some diseases.
  • Routine, caffeic acid, salicylic, and phytonutrients. The content of the four is believed to be able to improve cardiovascular health, preventing strokes and cancer.
  • Flavonoids. It serves to help normalize blood disease hypertension.
  • Lauric acid. Chemical content of lauric acid is used as a natural insect repellent remedies.
  • Vitamins contained in the leaves of which are vitamin A and vitamin c.

Bay leaf helps cure some illnesses, this became a great news especially for people suffering with less use of chemical drugs.

But, of course, not all diseases can be eradicated with a bay leaf. So need to know the benefits of bay leaf is, just below the following explanation :

1. Lowering of cholesterol and heal

High cholesterol is a very feared many people, because it could trigger a lot of other dangerous diseases, which can even lead to death.

Bay leaf turned out to be effective to help lower cholesterol, use by boiling leaves. Generally water stew using 3 cups water, is boiled until the remaining 1 cups of water only.

As for the number of leaves that is used about 10 sheets. Drink this decoction of bay leaf 2 times a day.

The decrease in total cholesterol levels because the leaves have active compounds such as flavonoids, tannins, and saponins.

One of the content of flavonoids in the leaves are quercetin, is a powerful antioxidant that can prevent the oxidation of LDL (low density lipoprotein or lipoprotein polyethylene).

LDL or bad cholesterol easily attached to the blood vessels, which can lead to a buildup of fat, as well as clogging the blood vessels.

Tannin compounds useful as an antioxidant, astringent, and hipokolesterolemi. Tannins react with protein mucosa and intestinal epithelial cells, which blocks the absorption of fat. Simple explanation, tannins serve to suppress the absorption of body fat.

Saponin compound serves to bind bile acids with cholesterol, which can lower cholesterol levels.

Fiber content in the leaves serves to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, thus being able to lower their cholesterol levels.

High cholesterol is usually due to the high consumption of fatty foods such as meat, fried foods, and excess sugar.

Early symptoms in the form of sore on the back, and the disease can lead to coronary artery disease, because the blood vessels are narrowed.

To prevent high cholesterol, need to implement a lifestyle and a healthy diet. Prapti Utami explains leaves one of a selection of herbs, for the high berkolesterol patients

In addition to Bay leaves, other anti-cholesterol drug more namely celery and garlic, which is scientifically proven.

2. Overcoming diabetes

Diabetes due to blood sugar levels in people with the ride, the rise in blood sugar levels is very dangerous because it can cause the onset of complications.

A complication that occurs in diabetics are extremely serious, such as heart disease, kidney failure, liver damage, hypertension, stroke, impotence, etc.

Trigger the rise in blood sugar levels not only food, but also because of the lifestyle habits that aren't healthy. Too much consumption of sugar as well as unhealthy food, making the body condition of obesity (overweight), which makes the risk of very high hit by diabetes.

Diabetics should not eat rice or sugar, usually the staple food rice is replaced by cassava or corn, or the like (from the side of the womb).

This is because a high carbohydrate diet contains rice that could cause a rise in blood sugar levels, so that sufferers need to avoid the intake of carbohydrates, which many comes from regular white rice.

Overcoming diabetes is to lower blood sugar levels. With the decline in blood sugar levels in diabetics (be normal), diabetes can be said to be cured naturally.

How can utilizing the decoction of bay leaf, you need routine consumption of water decoction of bay leaf so that blood sugar levels down (being the normal stage). Natural way as it's fairly safe, and free of chemicals.

You can consume the decoction of bay leaf twice in a day.

Here below how to make herb leaves for diabetes :

  1. First of all take a few pieces of bay leaf, wash to clean.
  2. boil water with a bay leaf to boil
  3. Lift up the water then strain the decoction
  4. Wait a few moments, so that the water of a hot stew becomes warm, then drink

You need a drink of water decoction of bay leaf is twice a day with tertatur diabetes disease, You will gradually disappear.

3. Lower the uric acid

Diseases of uric acid, which caused agonizing pain so as to interfere with daily activities.

Gout occurs when deposits of purin in the body increase dramatically. Most purin anyone settles in the joints causing pain. Uric acid is often attacked on the joints of the foot and make it puffy.

The cause of gout caused by consumption of foods such as crackers, nuts, gnetum and so on. Sipping steeping the leaves can be a way of overcoming the uric acid. Leaves contain a substance that is able to reduce complaints of uric acid.

The benefits of bay leaf as a natural cure gout, could do with her boil. How, take the 10 pieces of bay leaf, boiled together with about 700 cc of water, allow the water to boil the remaining stew 1/3 her alone. Strain the boiled water, and drink it while it's warm.

4. Relieve acute gastritis

Traditional ulcer drugs could become an alternative choice to overcome pain on heartburn. Disease ulcer relapse-often recurrent nature. When relapse, perceived pain in the solar plexus is very annoying, so that daily activities can not run.

Ulcer disease is an inflammation that occurs in the stomach cavity walls. The stomach is located in the upper abdomen, pain in the form of symptoms (such as a stabbing or burning) in the solar plexus. For those of you who frequently experience a recurrence of the disease ulcer, ulcer drugs can benefit from natural.

Bay leaf can be traditional ulcer drugs. It's easy, take 15-20 pieces of bay leaf, then put in the water 500 ml. water Boiled along with the bay leaf to boil. Be added sugar cubes to give the flavor of favors on the herb. Drinking the concoction at least 1 times a day, until the pain in stomach is gone.

In addition, other natural herb can using guava leaves to treat disease ulcer. How to make a ramuannya, provide 8-10 fresh guava leaves, then wash to clean. Put in 1.5 liter of water, then bring to a boil. After boiling, drain and strain the herb leaves.

Temulawak ulcer drug can also become traditional. The trick is pretty easy, to provide 1 Rhizome temulawak, then wash clean. Temulawak sliced thinly then chill for a bit.

Poached sliced temulawak with 5-7 glass to a boil. Drain the boiled water and then filtered. Water boiled drink 1 glass a day until gone heartburn suffered.

In addition to traditional ulcer drugs above, there are some natural ways that you can do to reduce and prevent the recurrence of heartburn.

Tips for overcoming and avoiding ulcers

Avoid foods that are hard and difficult to digest. Diet should be good, lest the stomach too empty. When the stomach is empty, then do not consume huge amounts of food. (In conditions) apply to the portion of little but often.

Some foods can trigger the onset of symptoms of heartburn, including :

  1. The food is spicy and hot
  2. Foods containing gas
  3. The food is hard and difficult to digest
  4. Food and drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, soda)
  5. high fat Food
  6. oily Food
  7. Alcohol and smoking

Bad eating habits trigger disease ulcer. The consumption of medicinal ingredient is an obscure trigger disease ulcer. Eat foods that are spicy and overheat could aggravate ulcer disease conditions.

5. Overcome digestive disorders

Digestion is very important because of its role in providing energy to the body, to run the daily activities. Indigestion mean interference in the process of absorption of sari-sari food. Digestive disorders cause constipation and diarrhea.

Bay leaves are mixed in cooking, can already provide benefits to launch the digestion, as well as overcome digestive problems. Digestion is not smoothly will hoard the dirt inside the body, so that later became toxic to the body.

To launch the digestion, can with drinking water decoction of bay leaf herb, which can be added with a little salt. This potent herb to overcome diarrhoea.

Enzymes in the bay leaf help repair damage to the digestive system. Other sources mention how to create water decoction of bay leaf, first prepare the 15 grams of leaves, then wash to clean.

Next boil with one glass of water for up to a boil. Don't forget to add a little salt and strain the water decoction of bay leaf. Drinking in a State still warm.

6. Lower high blood pressure (hypertension)

High blood disease (hypertension) caused by diet, lifestyle, and also the emotions that often "explode". Disease hypertension is included in one of the deadliest diseases in the world, and a major factor of someone affected by stroke as well as diabetes.

The content of flavonoids in the leaves helps to prevent hypertension and lower the body's cholesterol levels. Herb daum greetings to overcome hypertension.

Prepare materials 7-15 fresh bay leaf sheets, wash clean. Then prepare the 3 glasses of water (600 ml)

How to make: boil fresh bay leaf and water to be roughly one glass only. Let cool and strain. Drink concoction twice a day before meals (each as much as one glass).

Other sources mention make herb for lowering high blood with bay leaf. First of all prepare a fresh bay leaf 40 grams and then washed to clean and boiled in water, with as many as 800 cc of water, let it boil and wait until the water leaving only 400 cc.

You can drink this concoction of Bay leaves in the morning and the afternoon, consumption regularly until your blood pressure back to normal.

7. Take care of the long and thick hair

If you want to have long and thick hair, but unfortunately it is not easy to take care of the beauty and health of the hair is long and thick. So that more effort is needed to take care of him.

You can do it naturally by using the mask leaves. Mix bay leaf with coconut oil is believed to have powerful make hair healthy and beautiful. Here's how his potion making :

Prepare the ingredients :

  • 4-5 pieces of bay leaf
  • 2 tbsp (tablespoons) of coconut oil

How to make :

  1. First of all blender until crumbled bay leaf, then drain.
  2. then put in Bowl
    Input 2 tbsp coconut oil into it.
  3. stir until well blended
  4. And then heat a while to warm up.
  5. Hair mask is ready to use.

How to use the herb hair mask :

  1. Apply a hair mask thoroughly from roots to the ends of the hair.
  2. massage scalp slowly for a few minutes.
  3. then leave alone for 15 minutes.
  4. After that, bilaslah hair with warm water, and use shampoo for all bathrooms.

To obtain maximum results, you can apply the herb this hair mask once a week.

8. Overcoming hair loss and hair lice

To address hair loss and dandruff. Water rinses Bay leaves are effective in tackling dandruff. Bay leaf is also considered a good remedy for hair loss. Bay leaf oil is useful as a tonic for hair, which is effective to fight dandruff and hair loss.

To resolve the bug, so the hair lice in the hair completely lost. How to make his potion, first boiled around 50 grams of leaves with 400 ml water, allow the water to boil until remaining 100 ml water only.

Strain the water, then use air implements this herb at the root of the hair. Let stand for 3 to 4 hours, and then clear.

9. Relieve Pain

The oil extracted from the leaves contain anti-inflammatory properties that are berfmanfaat to relieve pain, whether it's because of sprains, strains, arthritis, rheumatism and pain. Oil of bay leaf also help relieve headaches (including migraine).

Bay leaf also improves the blood circulation. When having problems, joint pain using the herb leaves the ground and leaves a tie on the area around the joints that are inflamed, brguna to reduce the pain and swelling of troubleshooting.

10. Prevention of cancer

Bay leaf contains caffeic acid, quercetin, catechin and euganol which protects the body from many types of cancer. Bay leaf contains phytonutrient called parthenolide, a proven specifically to resist the proliferation of cervical cancer cells.

The unique combination of antioxidants and organic compounds in the leaves, in the form of phytonutrients, catechin, linalool, and parthenolide, helps protect the body from the effects of free radicals.

Free radicals can cause healthy cells can mutate into cancer cells, making it very dangerous, Bay leaves are able to prevent it.

11. Cure hives on the skin

Causes of itchy assortment, there are some that are caused by the State of the skin is too dry, there are also due to irritation, reaction from allergy, etc.

There are natural ways to cope with hives on the skin with bay leaf. Pretty easy, wash clean the bay leaf (washing using water flow).

After that, ground bay leaf until smooth, and then balurkan on the skin that itches. To get the optimum benefit, the skin section wraps using the muslin.

12. The treatment of cough

Bay leaf effectively combat symptoms of colds, flu and infections. Respiratory disorders cope, boil water and add 3 pieces daun salam. Let the water boil approximately 5-10 minutes. Then, soak the cloth in water this stew, and put it in the chest to relieve coughs, colds and flu.

13. Insect Repellent

Bay leaves have a content of lauric acid, which has a usefulness to serve as a natural insect repellent. You can use the oil from the bay leaf extract is applied, which can prevent the stings and insect bites.

14. Treatment of renal disordersf

Bay leaf can be used to treat infections of the kidneys, even kidney stones. This natural treatment recipes, how to boil with the bay leaf 5 g in 200 ml boiling water, let it stay until ar 50 ml water.

After that strain the boiled water and drink this concoction twice a day, useful to stop the formation of kidney stones.

15. The Scent of cuisine

You bsa mixing fresh or dried bay leaf into dishes such as meat, fish, vegetables or rice, it is beneficial to make aroma cuisine become more fragrant. Natural substances content in it is useful to improve the durability of the body. To that end, jagnan forgot to add Bay leaves on the cuisine.

Tips on using and save the bay leaf

How to select a bay leaf to be processed later, it is recommended to choose the colour, the leaves are bright green and look fresh. For the dried leaves, select that does not break easily and are not perforated.

Leaves are generally sold in a dried State, but there are also selling it in fresh State. Basically, the function of the bay leaf is not diminished even though used in a State of either dried or fresh.

It's just that, both of which require a different treatment. For fresh bay leaf, preferably washed clean and then drained to dry. Then wrapped in aluminum foil paper neatly and put into the refrigerator (refrigerator).

By doing this kind of packaging, bay leaf can stand up to many months.

As for how to store dried Bay leaves, by way of wrapping using newsprint and store it in the kitchen or refrigerator. Make sure the bay leaf is completely dry when you save.

If kept in the kitchen, look at the place of storage, don't get damp because it could lead to easy foul bay leaf.

Tips save other bay leaf can be attempted is to sublimate his. In addition to practical use, in a State of powder, bay leaf can also be inserted into the storage container (such as a small airtight stopless shaped).

Storage in this manner also makes the bay leaf can be durable.

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