The benefits and Usefulness of young betel nuts for health, beauty And side effects

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)



Young betel nuts (Areca catechu), Enom, Jambe Pineung, Penang, Pining, Wua, Pua, Bua, Ua, Fua, Hua is Areca Nut young age. The colour of the fruit is indeed from the Green became more and more yellowish. Redness and brownish over his age. Benefits of areca nut to health could be a natural antibiotic. In addition, improved for beauty is great for rejuvening the skin.

Usually young betel nut made of mixed materials for whiting to a menginang lifestyle is usually done by the grandmother in the old days. Benefits of areca nut to the grandmother that was believed to be able to strengthen teeth and bone structure. It is not surprising that the grandmothers who are consuming this fruit into which tend to have teeth intact, although her age is old and the color of her teeth turn red-brownish.

Nutrient content and nutrition of young betel nuts :

Do you know of any substance contained in the Areca Nut young? It turns out that there's an awful lot of nutrient content and nutrients Areca Nut Young it should be utilized by human beings as possible. Because of the wide range of substances below proven for health or beauty.

• Alkaloid
• Arecaine
• Flavan
• Arecoline
• Guracine
• Guvacoline
• Guvasine
• Phenolic Compounds
• Acid Errors
• Lignin
• Arecoline
• Guracine
• Guvacoline
• Guvasine
• Isoguvasine
• Tannins

The benefits to the health of Young betel nuts :

  1. Address the joint pain
    The benefits for the health of young betel nuts the first is overcoming the painful joints? How do I use it? It's easy as hell. The first washing pinang, then after it's grated. After the shredded combine water and sugar (if you want) and then boil until boiling. After that strain the tea strainer use. If drunk regularly joint pain will heal.

  2. Prevent Tooth Porous
    Young betel nuts has many benefits for the health of our bodies, one of which is to prevent dental porous. How to make use of them is not made into chewable, but herbs directly. Have you guys seen people chewing betel antiquity and then issued a red-red like blood? It's actually not blood, but rather the betel mixed with betel nut that is still young. Those times used to do it was not free or no benefits. Its usefulness is to prevent dental porous. For that first era parents his teeth still intact despite the already aged.

  3. Treat the itching in the skin
    How do I mengobat hives with young betel nuts? It's easy, IE the first grate pinang until smooth after that apply the Areca Nut grater into a body part that itches. Wait until the felt is enough then rinse with clean water. You must have the effect of warmed so for those who don't like could use in other ways.

  4. Overcoming the Excess Stress
    The benefits for the health of young betel nuts that are addressing the excess stress. How to overcome stress pinang? The trick is to combine it with chewing betel leaves and in.

  5. Treat diarrhea
    How young betel nut treat diarrhea? How to utilize the areca nut is easy to treat diarrhea that is by the way makes it as herbal medicine. How to make herbal medicine his very easy with shredded areca nut in boiled with one glass of water once cooked strain the herbs so that none of his betel nut husks.

  6. Be antibiotic drugs

  7. Strengthen the body

  8. Prevent tooth decay due to caries

  9. Strengthen the structure of the jaw

  10. Prevent the fragile alveolar bone

  11. Tackling infections

  12. Treat cold

  13. clogged nose Tackle

  14. Remove joint pain

  15. Fades scars

  16. increase appetite

  17. Discard fat in the body

  18. Launched the digestive system

  19. Treating headaches

  20. make the mind quiet

How to Utilize Young betel nuts for health :

Utilize young betel nuts for health is extremely easy. Because the fruit is really so so good to the body then has to know how to best processing. It is recommended that the fruit is consumed with the way it used to be cooked (boiled). Do not consume raw, it's to make it taste much more delicious. In addition, to minimize the risk of allergy.

The benefits of Young betel nuts for beauty :

  1. Lifts dead skin cells
    Benefits of betel nut beauty young for the first is lifting dead skin cells. How do you do? The way is by making the areca nut as a mask. First grate areca nut until smooth after that mix with a little water. Once it becomes a paste, apply to the face evenlt. Wait for 10 minutes after which the massage slowly our faces as long as two minutes. Afterwards rinse with clean water.

  2. create Ageless
    How to make ageless by using young betel nuts? The trick is to drink medicinal herbs areca nut young routinely. How to make herbal medicine his easy, enough with the areca nut and then shredded Braised with water. After that strain the dregs of his drinking in order to be more comfortable.

  3. Tackle dry skin
    Dry skin very disturbing us isn't it? In addition because of the annoying dry skin can cause our skin easily scratched even hurt. That problem could be addressed by way of consuming herbs areca young and maskernya.

  4. Make Clear
    The benefits of young betel nuts for the next beauty is made crystal clear eyes. Very nice not if our eyes are clear. We look more beautiful. How do I clear up the eye with betel nut? The trick is to drink medicinal herbs areca nut.

  5. Prevent pimples Appear
    Young betel nuts are indeed in trust can prevent acne appears. How to treat acne with betel nut apply by using a mask. How to make it easy to apply with grated fine after that funds must apply to acne.

Benefits of betel nut Beauty young for other :

  1. Remove the black flecks
  2. excess wrinkles Fades
  3. To prevent premature aging
  4. Address the chapped lips
  5. Heal dry skin
  6. Eliminate scaly skin
  7. making skin moist
  8. Eliminate body odor
  9. Cure bad breath
  10. Treat thrush
  11. Eliminate the scars
  12. Preventing underarm odor
  13. Increase fertility
  14. Make fresh breath

How to Utilize Young betel nuts for beauty :

To take advantage of young betel nuts for the sake of beauty is not difficult. This fruit can be used as an herb to the skin of the face. Here's how live boiled away. Use of water worn wash face. However caution must be made which are allergic to betel nut because it feels really bad and make enek. So it must be an allergy test first.

Side Effects Of Areca Nut Young :

Below are some of the side effects that can be caused from consumption of areca nut. Various effects below the sheer individual response. So not everyone will experience it. Therefore, before consumption of areca nut or wear it to health, it will be good make the experiment first.

  1. Oral cancer
  2. Tongue cancer
  3. Tooth Discoloration
  4. Nausea
  5. Vomiting

Please be aware that the benefits and usefulness of young betel nut is indeed good for the body. But many doctors urge not to frequent-often wear this fruit to menginang because it can cause cancer of the mouth. Although this custom has been very rarely done by people, yet still this fruit is indeed very reasonable in frequency when danger is consumed. So pretty once in a while! If this is considered sorely needed as one of the herbal treatment of Java. In addition, the notice also how to offer it.

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