Lotus Leaf health benefits

in #esteem6 years ago




Lotus plant has the scientific name "Ziziphus Mauritiana" Lotus Plants also have many names in several areas in Indonesia.

Lotus plant is known by other names such as widara (Sd, Jw) or shortened to dara (Jw); bukol (Md.); bĕkul (Bal.); Ko (Savu sea); Kok (Rote); KOM kon (Timor); bĕdara (Alor); Ziziphus mauritiana (Mak., bugs.); rangga (Bima); kalangga (Sumba).

The term international Lotus plants namely Jujube, Indian Jujube, Indian or Chinese plum, Apple (United Kingdom); Jujubier (France); Ziziphus mauritiana, jujub, Apple siam (Mal); manzanitas (Fil.) zee-pen (Burma); putrea (Cambodia); than (Laos); phutsaa, ma tan (Thai); Tao, tao nhuc (Viet Nam).

Tall tree Ziziphus mauritiana 5-16 meters. Lotus leaf-shaped round somewhat oval with a smooth surface. Lotus Leaf has many health benefits.

You can take advantage of the Lotus plant leaves, fruits, seeds, and roots. The fruit of Ziziphus mauritiana superior cultivars sold as fresh fruit in the market, which later can be consumed directly, or processed into fresh drinks.

Lotus leaves that young can be used as vegetables. As for the old Lotus Leaf used as livestock feed.

In addition, the decoction of leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana also used some people to drink as a herbal medicine. This leaves if kneaded with water then it will be foaming soaps, no water Lotus leaves are seldom used to bathe the people affected by fever.

Be it the leaves, fruit, bark, and root crops for health cures bidara and treatment.

Benefits Of Lotus Leaf :

1. Clear acne

Acne is not rarely make someone become less confident. You can cure acne with herbal ingredients, one of them i.e. do care mask Ziziphus mauritiana.

Green lotus leaves shiny on top, and at the bottom the creature somewhat whitish Brown or rust.

The leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana antibakterial contains compounds that work to counteract the disease. Lotus leaf from already used to maintain the health of the body.

Lotus Leaf can be fresh as herb herbal, you can pound the leaves biadara and dissolved in water, and is used for the treatment of the outside to fix the problem on the skin, including acne and fungi on the skin.

There is a recipe to treat pimples with Lotus leaves. The benefits of this Lotus leaves you can make use of to be used as a mask to the skin of the face.

The use of Lotus leaves as this face mask to cleanse the skin from dirt, clear acne, and prevent the skin from damage due to acne.

For those who have oily skin types will be vulnerable exposed acne on the face. Acne problems can cause damage to the skin of the face. Therefore, take advantage of this Lotus Leaf mask.

The steps how to make masks Bidara :

  1. prepare some Lotus Leaf sheets, then clean with running water.
  2. then mashed finely and put in a bowl.
  3. Add a bit of water into the bowl.
  4. After it's shaped like a thick paste, then apply on face skin (as a mask).
  5. When you are finished applying, then let sit until it dries out face masks.
  6. Then rinse face with clean water (no SOAP).

The benefits of this Lotus Leaf masks to skin smoothness, as well as help clear pimples on the face.

But remember, get rid of acne with Lotus leaves is not an instant process, it takes perseverance.

2. Prevent Diabetes

Lotus leaves also can strengthen the hair, remove dirt (scale), clean the skin and soften them, and heal wounds.

The use of the leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana in amazing benefits is to prevent the emergence of diabetes. Compounds in the leaves of dried Lotus working effectively to protect the body from damage by the system settings of the sugar levels.

The occurrence of diabetes because the body is not able to regulate the sugar levels in the blood, the other thing because the damage system of insulin in the body, this issue could potentially give rise to complications of the disease in the form of kidney and heart disease.

Dried lotus leaf is consumed as in the form of tea is beneficial for stabilizing blood sugar levels again, and help protect system settings insulin production in the body.

The other thing that is important is done to avoid diabetes disease is maintaining a good diet, healthy and orderly. In addition, do physical activity or sport that is adequate in any day.

By making use of natural ingredients such as Lotus leaves is useful to prevent the onset of a rise in blood sugar or diabetes, which also leaves Lotus has a low glycemic index.

3. Treat diarrhea

Diarrhea is characterized by encernya stool issued with chapters that more often than usual. The occurrence of diarrhea is usually due to the consumption of food or drink contaminated bacteria, parasites or viruses.

Diarrhea may last several days (generally), and potentially can happen for a week or more than that.

Diarrhea sufferers can experience symptoms such as abdominal pain brief with stools that are not too dilute, can cramp with a very diluted stool.

People who experience severe diarrhea is potentially also experience fever and stomach cramps.

There are several types of plants and herbs are efficacious for the treatment of diarrhea, such as soursop, guava fruit, the fruit of sapodilla fruit, banana leaf, klutuk acid, Lotus leaf, etc.

Lotus leaves have efficacy for the treatment of diarrhea. Drink the tea leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana whose products now is easy to find, even been sold online.

How to make it also very easy, like a tea in General.

If you experience diarrhea, then please do not use towels or cutlery that is similar to other family members.

4. Heal wounds

The content in the leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana has antiseptic properties. So you can take advantage of the Lotus leaves as drug out for Burns and other wounds. Even the Lotus leaves can be used for the treatment of aphthous ulcers and for oral health in General.

For women, the leaves of the Lotus can be utilized for the cleanliness of the female sex organs.

The importance of antiseptic content in the leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana is beneficial in treating sores scratch or abrasions on the skin of the body, including even sores canker sores and Acne (this includes new and old wounds wound).

With Lotus Leaf properties is useful to heal wounds quickly and protect from attack germs.

These leaves will work to help stop the bleeding and dry out the wound so quickly recovered, as well as encouraging the process of regeneration of new skin cells.

You could try sprinkling the collision leaves Lotus above cuts scratches or burns.

Lotus leaves are used as drugs wound dried lotus leaf is processed into powder.

Provide Lotus leaves, then mix with a little water in a container, so that the shape will be like a paste.

Then apply the herb paste on the part of the injured skin.

5. Clean and soften skin

The leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana has content that works as an antiseptic. You can take advantage of Lotus leaf to cleanse the body of impurities that are difficult to be lost.

In order to climb that stuck to the skin can be cleaned optimally, then take advantage of the Lotus leaf.

In addition, there is even the suggestion so that women use menstrual blood Weeps bidara, so his perfect cleansing process.

Maintain the cleanliness of the "intimate" is very important, to avoid the disease, fungus, and bacteria on a vital part. Where one of the problems frequently experienced by women is vaginal discharge.

The actual whiteness is reasonable because it appears naturally without can be prevented, it's just the part on hygiene must be a major concern.

If something is not going right in the area of femininity, then you can utilize the water Lotus Leaf the marinade while cleaning the body.

The use of the leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana is beneficial to clean the skin of the body to the maximum, eradicate fungi and bacteria that are nested in the body, and makes the skin softer.

6. Rejuvenates skin

The problem of the appearance of premature signs of aging are not seldom complain about a lot of people, especially by kum women. The appearance of fine wrinkles on the skin is due to the increase of the age, but which became a problem when the aging signs appear too quickly.

The leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana has benefits to help the regeneration of new skin cells, it makes the skin is wrinkled, dry or dull will be replaced with healthier skin and beautiful.

Lotus Leaf natural ingredients can be made as the mask, or you can wash your face with water soaked with leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana.

Utilization of natural materials leaves Lotus this should be done on a regular basis so that you really get pleased.

7. Take care of dry skin

Dry skin face cause someone will risk looks dull on her skin, even the skin looks like not well maintained. So it could make is not confident.

For those of you who have dry skin then must diligently do skin care skin, especially the face. You can use the Lotus leaves, following the below steps :

  1. prepare the Lotus leaf is still green and fresh, then wash clean, and destroy.
  2. then mix with a little water, so the form such as pasta.
  3. then apply as a mask on the face. You can also rub it on the hands and feet.
  4. Let sit a moment, so that it penetrates into the skin.
  5. then he cleans the skin back with warm water.
  6. then you can later give in accordance with the type of skin moisturizer.

Do these natural treatments on a regular basis. In order to benefit the mask became more effective, mixed with honey or lemon juice.

8. Prevent Harm from exposure to UV rays

The skin often exposed to UV rays, let alone sunblock without protection under the blazing sun, then it would be bad on the skin, as the skin look more dull, oily, even triggering a sign of premature aging.

Too old to be under direct sunlight will cause the emergence of black spots on the face and body skin in General, even the worst of the impact of exposure to UV rays is the free radicals.

The danger of free radicals i.e. trigger premature aging, health disorders, to a very bad is skin cancer.

One of the things suggested is utilizing the Lotus leaf, you can make it as a skin mask, which is beneficial to the health and beauty of the skin.

To do this use of Lotus leaves as many as 3 times in a week, which provides benefits for your skin.

But basically, you shouldn't be too long in the Sun directly, especially when the Sun is hot its like 12 noon.

9. Lighten Burns

Burns can happen anywhere, their profession is associated with fire and other heat sources are potentially affected by this problem, such as cooks, welders, electrical officers, factory workers who use electrical fire, etc.

In addition, there is rarely a case of burns that occur due to the accident, such as exposed to hot water or oil splashes while cooking, etc.

The issue burns it makes uncomfortable, especially if the former wound does not disappear after all this. To resolve the problem of these Burns, you can use the leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana.

Lotus Leaf fresh has the effect of cooling the skin, which will provide benefits when applied to Burns.

Compounds in the leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana helps to restore and prevent burns made an impression on the skin.

The content in the leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana also work as anti-bacterial and accelerate the process of repair cells damaged by burns.

Use a few leaves of fresh Lotus, then clean and wash the Paste on the skin that burns.

Cold sensation owned Lotus leaves will make the pain of burns be reduced.

10. Nourish and strengthen Hair

Of course we want to have hair that is strong, it's just that some factors such as lifestyle, weather conditions and other often led to an unnatural hair loss.

It is very important that you pay attention to and care for hair regularly, this is so that the hair be always healthy, strong and not easily fall out. You can do natural treatments using the leaf of Ziziphus mauritiana.

Boiled Lotus leaves is with water to taste, then the stew awaited water to cool, then apply it to the scalp (as well as hair tonic).

The leaves of this herb provides a great benefit to the health of the hair. The content in the leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana also helps to moisturize the hair, prevent hair loss, fertility and help beautify the hair.

For the use of other methods, this Lotus Leaf puree and use as a hair mask.

11. Removing Underarm Odor and Perspiration

If you're having problems less luscious armpit odor, do am because there is how easy and effective to resolve it.

Prepare the way, a few strands of leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana, and squeeze-squeeze so that it becomes more tender, then stay digosokan to the underarms, do while taking a bath.

By doing this, later the smell of armpits and sweat will disappear. This is normal if the leaf of Ziziphus mauritiana has been recommended to use for bathing.

The following benefits of the Lotus leaf, just still need research or adequate experts Description :

12. Addressing the problem of Insomnia

13. Improve immune system

14. To prevent and reduce Depression

15. Keep the Gastric Health

16. Lowering fever

17. increase Appetite

18. Prevent Cancer and Tumor

19. Treating Cardiovascular Problems

20. Cope with Hemorrhoids

21. To prevent bacteria and viruses

22. Healthy Mouth

23. Enhancing sexual desire

24. Overcome premature ejaculation

25. Good for Bones

26. Maintain dental health

27. lowering high blood pressure

28. Maintain bowel health

29. Nourish the body's cells

30. Treating Malaria

Notice :
For pregnant women or nursing mothers who plan to consume the leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana, should first consult a doctor. Although there has not been adequate research about the side effects of the wearing of Lotus leaves for pregnant women, but it is advisable to consult.

Lotus leaves in the use of fresh or in the form of powder, should avoid contamination from exposed metal or iron.

The Benefits Of The Fruit Of Ziziphus Mauritiana

The fruit of Ziziphus mauritiana reproduced traded as fresh fruit to be eaten directly or also not infrequently made fresh drinks. In most areas, this fruit is dried or made into preserves.

The fruit of Ziziphus Mauritiana//Lotus Jujube has nutrition which should not be underestimated. They are also delicious eaten in the form of fresh, even has many culinary uses in different countries.

When the fruit of Ziziphus mauritiana in green, it's usually bitter acidity.

When the color of the reddish yellow and brownish ranum certainly sweet, yet acidic touch is still felt.

The shape of the fruit of Ziziphus mauritiana resembles that of wine, but his skin is not as hard as wine.

Here are the average nutritional composition of 100 GM fruit of Ziziphus mauritiana (Ziziphus Mauritiana) :

  • Carbohydrates 17 g
  • Protein 0.8 g
  • 0.07 g Fat
  • Sugars 10.5 g
  • Calcium 6mg
  • Phosphorus ~ 6mg
  • Iron 0.15 mg
  • Potassium 70mg
  • Sodium 1mg
  • Zinc 0, 01mg
  • Magnesium 3mg
  • Carotene 0.021 mg
  • Thiamine 0.024 mg
  • Riboflavin 0.038 mg
  • Niacin 0, 087mg
  • Citric acid 1.1 mg
  • Ascorbic acid 75 mg
  • Flavonoids

Because it is packed with minerals and vitamins, fruit of Ziziphus mauritiana provides important benefits to the health of the body, the circulatory system, up to the appearance of the skin of the body.

  • Prevent colds and Coughs
    Lotus fruit is rich in vitamins A and C are beneficial to protect the body from disease coughs and colds, or illness due to the weather.

  • Lower Blood Pressure
    Lotus fruit rich in potassium and vitamin B-complex which proved to be pleased for lowering high blood pressure.

  • Antioxidant Properties
    The fruit of Ziziphus mauritiana is a good source of antioxidants, which are useful to help the process of rejuvenation of the cells of the body, and keep the functions of liver and kidney organs.

  • The antioxidant content of Body Skin Health provides solutions essential to many skin problems. The fruit of Ziziphus mauritiana is also used externally to overcome skin problems due to sunburn, kukit is dry, and wrinkles.

  • Treating Indigestion
    Of the fruit of Ziziphus mauritiana naturally treat various digestive disorders. Which helps in the secretion of enzymes, so keeping the functions of the digestive organs so that it is always normal. Which also can treat constipation if used in a dry form.

  • Increase Energy
    The fruit of Ziziphus mauritiana became a great source of energy. Consumption can reduce fatigue and help generate power or energy for activity.

  • Strengthen muscles, bones and teeth
    The content of calcium and phosphorus found in the fruit of Ziziphus mauritiana proved able to promote strengthening of the muscles of the body, bones and teeth.

  • Help Wound Healing
    The fruit of Ziziphus mauritiana contains some important amino acids that are beneficial in helping the body's cells to build different types of proteins that are essential for wound healing.

  • Calms The Nervous System
    The fruit of Ziziphus mauritiana has benefits to relieve stress and depression, help calm the nervous system of the body. The consumption of this fruit helps to relieve stress and anxiety, as well as addressing the problem of insomnia (difficulty sleeping).

  • Enhance immunity and cardiovascular health content of flavonoids found in the fruit of Ziziphus mauritiana is useful to counteract exposure to free radicals in the circulatory system clogged heart causes cardiovascular disorders and others.

  • Compound of flavonoids in fruit of Ziziphus mauritiana has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer. This is helpful is very important in lowers the risk of the formation of cancer cells.

Other benefits of the Lotus Plant (Ziziphus Mauritiana)

The roots of the tree Ziziphus mauritiana can be utilized to help hair growth is good, as well as reduce fevers that are formed due to other diseases such as chicken pox and measles.

In Java, the bark of the tree Ziziphus mauritiana used to cure indigestion, as for in Malaysia not is rarely used as a pain medication stomach.

The juice of the tree Ziziphus mauritiana bark can prevent severe cough and vomiting blood. The bark, twigs and stems of the tree Ziziphus mauritiana can utilized in treating fever.

Source : https://kesehatantubuh-tips.blogspot.com/2017/12/daun-bidara.html?m=1


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