Avocado leaves for health and side effects

in #esteem6 years ago

The avocado plant has the Latin name "Persea Americana Miller", this is a native Mexican plant. Today, avocado plants are very popular because they have been cultivated in many countries, including Indonesia.

Even from the past Indonesians have used avocado leaves for health and natural medicine.

When talking about avocado fruit is already very commonly known (the juice is famous very delicious), but about the efficacy of avocado leaves may be many who do not know.

In avocado leaves contain querstin substances. Querstin is the largest group of flavonol compounds. The benefits of this querstin content protect the body from free radical attacks and degenerative diseases.

Avocado leaves that taste bitter can be nutritious as a diuretic for the body, and kills various types of bacteria.

Avocado leaves also contain polyphenols. Polyphenols are also contained in grapes, onions, tea and others. Polyphenol compounds are not less important with querstin compounds.

Benefits of Avocado Leaf :

1. Lose Weight (For Diet)
If you want to lose weight then you can use avocado leaves. The study found that in the avocado leaf has a useful content helps to lower excess fat, and suppress appetite.

In order to obtain the benefits of weight loss is very easy, provide a few strands of avocado leaves, then wash until clean using running water.

Then you boil the avocado leaves with water to boil. Then strain into the glass, then drink when it's warm.

If you want more delicious, then how to boil 4 dried avocado leaves in a pan then heat for 15-20 minutes.

After that lifted avocado leaves, then put into a cup of tea, then you can also mix 1 teaspoon of honey.

After terakduk flat, then you stay to drink avocado leaf tea, you can do it 3 times a week.

2. Treating Headaches


You can treat headaches by consuming avocado leaf tea (the way has been described above).

That's because inside the avocado leaves contain a high enough antioxidant content, which serves to increase or maximize the flow of oxygen to the head region.

With a smooth flow of oxygen to the brain or head organs, the benefits are to prevent headaches, or reduce headaches from fatigue, sinusitis, migraines, etc.

In addition, avocado leaves are also efficacious to relieve headaches caused by hypertension problems (high blood pressure).

3. Preventing Stress Risk
the content of active substances in avocado leaves such as flavonoids, querstin, saponins, and alkaloids have important benefits in curing various types of diseases.

Avocado leaf has a function as an antioxidant that can prevent or inhibit the development of oxidative stress related to disease.

From the page Boldsky.com that the antioxidants in it, the natural tea avocado leaves useful to facilitate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, and inhibit the release of hormone cortisol in the body.

Hormone cortisol is a hormone that triggers the stress and internal discomfort.

With the presence of antioxidant compounds in the body is adequate, it prevents the production of high hormone cortisol, so the benefits are you will be more avoid the stress.

4. Reduce or Relieve Dental pain


Toothache is experienced by many people, the cause is due to cavities, gingivitis, and others. Toothache that occurs long enough to make a person can not run activities or daily work well.

Even toothache makes a person uncomfortable in eating foods. For dental sufferers to avoid food or sugary drinks, in addition to ensuring the sick teeth are not hit, causing pain.

This very disturbing toothache can be treated with painkillers.

In addition, for a natural and inexpensive way then you can make avocado leaf tea, which is useful will reduce inflammation of the gums and relieve pain in the teeth. However, make sure you always remember to avoid sugar consumption.

5. Preventing and Eradicating Kidney Stone
Kidney stone disease is a problem where the formation of hard material that resembles stone in the kidney. The material is formed from a collection of waste residues in the blood filtered by the kidneys, which then settles and forms crystals.

Kidney stone problem is quite serious, because if left then the kidney stone gradually increasing in size, causing pain or pain that is getting worse, can even cause disease complications.

Symptoms that can be felt by people with kidney stones are urine that looks cloudy, smells unpleasant urine, high fever, body weakness, and chills.

Avocado leaf decoction is believed to be efficacious for treating kidney stones, the content of alkoloid compounds work to help shed kidney stones little by little. Alkoloid also serves to help maximize the performance of kidney organs.

The content of alkolid, flavonoids, saponins and others found in avocado leaves is beneficial for kidney health, and avoids you from kidney stone disease.

Herbal tea leaves avocado efficacious to reduce the severity of kidney stone disease. Which serves as a detoxification in the kidneys, as well as help optimize the process of waste disposal (substances not useful) from the body.

You can also use avocado leaves in other ways, namely :

  1. Provide 5-8 leaves of old avocado (green).
  2. Wash avocado leaves clean with running water.
  3. Then boil the leaves together with 1 glass of water.
  4. Let the water in boiling conditions, turn off the stove when boiling water to live 1/2 cup.
  5. Then filter the cooking water.

Drink the water of this avocado twice a day.

As a tip also in overcoming kidney stones, you should drink enough water that many every day.

6. Treating Swelling
Swelling of the feet will make people have difficulty in performing activities or work. Inside the avocado leaves contained querstin that has the benefit to relieve swelling in the body.

Well, how to use avocado leaves to obtain these benefits is not difficult. You just need to pound avocado leaves until smooth or smooth. After that stay attached to the skin that is swollen.

You also need to afterwards wrap with a bandage, leave it in the condition for 3-4 hours.

7. Relieves Painful Uric Acid
Uric acid disease causes an unbearable pain, and a burning sensation in the joints. Although all parts of the joints of the body can potentially have uric acid, but common body parts attacked by uric acid that is the joints of fingers, knees, ankles, and toes.

The appearance of pain and even swelling akibar piercing sharp crystals around the joint. The crystals are formed due to the buildup of toxic and unnecessary substances, mainly from the type of food that triggers uric acid such as offal, red meat, etc.

Similarly, the habit of consuming alcoholic beverages will trigger a high risk of someone affected by gout disease.

Avocado leaves can help you to relieve gout pain. How to use it are :

  1. First provide avocado leaves as much as 25 grams.
  2. Then cut into pieces, and boil with 4 glasses of water.
  3. Allow boiling water until only half left is 2 glasses of water.
  4. After that lift and filter the cooking water.
  5. Wait until the cooking water is not too hot, then drink.

8. Relieve low back pain
Back pain will make you difficulty in completing the job. You can make a concoction of avocado leaves for treatment.

How to make it, first provide 5 pieces of avocado leaves, then wash thoroughly with running water.

After that you boil the avocado leaves along with one glass of water.

After the water is half left then lift and strain, input into the glass, wait for it to not overheat, then drink.

The pinene compound in avocado leaves can reduce the symptoms of pain in all parts of the body, especially on back pain problems.

As long as you experience back pain or back, then avoid lifting heavy objects, because it is feared can make the pain experienced more severe waist.

9. For Sprue Treatment
Thrush will be very disturbing when berbiacara or while eating. Good food is not very delicious due to canker.

Thrush can come from bacteria or damage to the oral cavity. The content of polyphenols in avocado leaves efficacious to heal canker sores more quickly.

To treat the canker, then try to bite the avocado leaf until slightly smooth, after that you paste on the lips that have canker sores. Do it three times a day.

10. To ease menstruation
Some of the causes and triggers of menstruation are not smooth because of too often fatigue, often emotional (angry), hormonal imbalances in the body, and overweight (overweight).

For those of you women who have irregular menstrual cycle problems, use this natural avocado leaves to start menstruating.

Avocado consumption makes boiling water. Make sure before boiling, you wash avocado leaves until clean using water.

11. Overcoming High Blood Pressure Problems
Hypertension is a chronic condition in which blood pressure in artery walls increases. The danger of hypertension is very serious, one of which triggers heart disease, can even cause death.

The causes of hypertension are numerous, such as consuming large amounts of salt intake, obese body condition, eating less fruits and vegetables, rarely exercising, and consuming liquor.

The decoction of avocado leaf water (or in tea) can be efficacious to help lower high blood pressure to a safe level (normal).

Limonene compounds found in avocado leaves can serve as a natural remedy to stabilize blood pressure, and prevent hypertension.

12. For Stomach Health
Eating boiled water and avocado leaf tea, contained antioxidants that are beneficial for gastric health, and also prevent stomach ulcers or irritation of the stomach.

The risk of stomach damage, injury and stomach irritation result from eating too often spicy and acidic foods. Benefits of avocado leaf content is also to treat stomach ulcers and stomach acid.

13. Overcoming Constipation and Uncomfortable Flavor in the Stomach
Constipation problems experienced will make the stomach becomes very uncomfortable, and can also interfere with activities sehai-hari.

The Boldsky.com page says that the combination of avocado leaves and honey (can be made in tea) is rich in fiber and antioxidants.

The benefits can soften the stool and also lubricate the intestines of the body. This makes the feces more easily removed, thus reducing the problem of constipation.

14. Maintain the Health and Function of Digestive Organs
Leaf avocados are rich in fiber and honey has antioxidant content based on exposure from the Boldsky.com page.

The benefits can help stimulate the production of healthy digestive juices, which can improve the performance of digestive organs, and also can treat stomach pain, including gastritis and acidity problems.

15. Treating Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection that can cause severe pain and can cause a burning sensation in the genital area.

Consumption of natural tea avocado leaves useful to help eradicate the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections, so that slowly can heal and reduce the pain.

16. Helps Prevent Convulsions
Traditional medicine in Africa recommends using avocado leaves to treat seizures and epilepsy, especially in children.

17. Help Overcome Diabetes
Avocado leaves can help treat diabetes. Avocado leaves are good news for diabetic patients, because the content inside has the effect of decreasing blood sugar or hypoglycemic levels.

In a scientific study with rat animal experiments that have diabetes. Peliti discovers that avocado leaf extract contains a hypoglycemic effect that depends on the strength of the dose. A decrease in blood sugar occurs about six hours after a dose of avocado leaf extract is given.

18. Health Respiratory tract
Infections of the respiratory tract generally attack the nose or pharynx that can give the effect of a fever, or the state of the body becomes weak for the move.

You can use the decoction of avocado leaves can to relieve and treat respiratory tract diseases, how :

  1. Prepare avocado leaves are still young enough.
  2. Then wash the leaves of the avocado with running water.
  3. Boil the avocado leaf in a pan with one glass of water.
  4. Allow to boil and water remaining half a glass.
  5. Then mix with plain warm water to be a full glass.
  6. Water potion ready to drink.

19. Lowering Cholesterol
Tea consumption or avocado stew can naturally help lower cholesterol. The content of antioxidants and other compounds in avocado leaves work to help prevent high cholesterol levels in the body.

Limonene compound in avocado leaves serves to reduce total triglyceride and total cholesterol effectively, which is useful to help lower cholesterol levels in the body. So it will also prevent the risk of other dangerous diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

20. Protecting the Body from Degenerative Disease
Flavonol compounds in avocado leaves have mechanisms to protect the body from degenerative diseases, one of which is osteoarthritis. With this benefit also makes avocado leaves can be used as a natural ingredient to prevent premature aging.

21. Efficacy As a Diuretic
Avocado leaves have quercetin content that serves as a diuretic agent, its benefits to facilitate the process of urination, clean up the remnants of metabolism in the body so as not to accumulate, and other benefits.

22. Inhibits Bacterial Growth
The content of polyphenols and pinene in the avocado fruit is useful to inhibit the growth of bacteria in the body, and also can prevent serious infections.

23. Reducing Asthma Attack
The content of pinene compound in the avocado leaf is efficacious to reduce the frequency of asthma attacks through several mechanisms. This compound has the function of reducing inflammation, bronchodilators and also can accelerate the flow of air to the lungs. So this is what makes the avocado leaf nutritious to overcome the disease of asthma.

24. Lowering Cancer Risk
The content of pinene and limonene in the leaves of avocado can be useful to reduce the risk of cancer, the mechanism by preventing the growth of cancer cells and also serves as a chemoprotective agent.

25. For Detoxification Process
Inside lpukat leaf contained Flavonol compounds are useful to help clean the blood of toxic substances, to then thrown through the process of urinization. Avocado leaf has a strong detoxification agent function.

26. Treating Diarrhea
Limonene content in avocado leaves serves to maintain balance in the digestion of the body, as well as improve bowel performance. This can be very useful in overcoming diseases such as diarrhea and other digestive disorders.

27. Troubleshooting Sleep Difficulty
Benefits of the ingredients in avocado leaves can reduce anxiety and also prevent insomnia. Eating avocado leaves can trigger serotonin release in the brain.

Where serotonin has a very important function in regulating the good mood (mood), controlling appetite, relieve anxiety and stress, and also play a role in making sleep more soundly.

28. Smooth the Skin
Avocado leaf nutritious for your skin, to make the skin feel smoother. Avocado leaf has antioxidant content that is beneficial great for skin health, make skin pores become cleaner, and make skin becomes smoother.

To get this benefit, mash the young avocado leaves, then apply on your skin for 10 minutes, then clean the skin again.

29. Avocado Leaf Use For Cuisine
Fresh avocado leaves are often used as a spice. The use of avocado leaves is more commonly done by people in South American countries.

As for dried avocado leaves are usually used in the United States and several other countries. In these countries avocado leaves are usually used for boiled cooking, soup, until a mixture of herbs berbekyu.

Avocado side effect
You should still pay attention to the doses allowed to consume papaya leaves. Do not let you consume it in excessive amounts. That's because some researchers explain about the side effects of avocado leaf in the form of toxicity.

Where researchers say that some types of avocado plants have toxic effects (poisons). Some researchers say that the leaves of avocado guatemala plant contains poison, while the leaves of avocado mexico plant declared safe.

In some cases of Guatemalan avocado leaves, researchers also mentioned that toxic effects can occur if the avocado leaves of that type are consumed in large quantities.

In general, in concocting herbal ingredients, it is still very important to have adequate knowledge and clear information. Herbal medicine is basically believed to not provide many side effects, but if its use is wrong then it will still have adverse effects on the body.

Keep in mind, the consumption of natural herbal remedies will make the kidneys work with extra, so if not true in the use of herbal ingredients then the impact can be fatal for kidney organs.

It is emphasized that in consuming herbal drinks based on the pointers of herbalists or people who understand about natural plant materials. So with a suitable dose or correct, it will cure the disease without providing side effects.

Especially the use of avocado leaves, has been mentioned by experts that mengonsumsinya forbidden if too much or excessively blindly, because it is feared to cause toxic effects on the body.

source : https://kesehatantubuh-tips.blogspot.com/2017/08/khasiat-daun-alpukat.html?m=1


Very interesting,

Thank you for your article

And, Avocado Oil is also a great oil to suspend Carbon 60 fullerenes for what is showing to be an Elixir of health.

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