Fruit Duku/Buah Duku
Friends back home bring duku quite a lot more or less 3 pounds for eating together, tried to eat his dukes it seems there is a tart and sweet, a lot of large seeds as well.
Teman pulanh kampunh bawa duku lumayan banyak sekali kurang lebih 3 kilo buat di makan bersama-sama, dicoba makan dukunya rasanya ada yang asem dan manis, banyak biji besarnya juga.
Duku fruit is a lot of this small size and large, if you eat this fruit tidal want to stop maybe because of hunger or it makes fresh
Buah duku yang banyak ini ada yang ukurannya kecil dan besar, kalau makan buah ini tidal mau berhenti mungkin karena lapar atau rasanya bikin segar.
Do not forget to eat fruit duku garbage do not throw at random, put in plastic that has been prepared.
Jangan lupa kalau makan buah duku sampahnya jangan di buang sembarangan, taruh di plastik yang sudah di siapkan.
This is one of my favorite fruits also and at season very cheap to buy here.
the fruit is now the season price of 1 kilogram only 10 thousand rupiah about 1/4 sbd, thanks for coming to my blog ..