Words are suited to view and love

in #esteem7 years ago

A beauty can be expressed by using words. Words beautiful course will make the said and heard of course will feel more happy.

Words beautiful usually expressed for declared awe of a case, for example, the beauty of nature, the beauty of poetry, the beauty of painting and terms of other things. Words beautiful can be expressed directly when you see something beautiful, can also expressed through a message to others or the form of the status of social media other. For more revealing the beauty, you can use words beautiful in the form of the image. Select images in accordance with the beauty of what you want as shown Mountain, painting and others.

Then add words beautiful in Fig.

You confused to Express the beauty of the words? Here are some words beautiful that can be a reference you.

One thing that is not I like about love: the more I deny it, the more he got me fall in love.

Correct? Love happy because he makes cheerful, but love also sad because he makes up .. there are lots of love try we strive for, but there is only one who deserve we maintain.

True love is when he loves others, and you still able to smile, saying: I also happy for you if we loved one, we will always pray although he is not the side of US. What should you love, link .. what should you remove, give! Ikhlaskan! Love and wonders have equation great. Both enrich the soul and brighten heart you will not be successful if never fails, will not be happy if not sad, and did not find true love if never a broken heart.

Sometimes one to leave you for your fault. Accept! But as long as there is in love, do not give up to win back his heart.

Sometimes you had to leave the person you love, not because you give up, but because you have tired struggling own.

Stop looking for her perfect tuk loved, as the more important is prepare yourself so sseeorang who deserve to be loved.

Love anything that is the world with reasonable. Because anything that is in the world's nothing eternal. In love, sometimes we wasted so much time to understand the things that we have to know the truth.

Don't let anger cause the love to go, as though regret finally came, love may not be back again. The final destination of life is to love and loved. The rest are the details.

Just because she is currently has has tether heart, no means you are not possible so Port last love ^^ what more painful of love clap hand? Love adored-Puja, then dihempaskan and wasted.

If you continue to focus yourself on what left in the past, you never get to see what's in front of you. Maybe I can not be pretty physical like what you want.

But I have the beauty of other didn't I show cry was for a moment.

Tertawalah forever  do not regret what is gone. Do not weep what is gone. But get up and development back what has been lost and go. In chief women no shortage, but in their hearts there excess. We always forget or rarely remember what we have, but we often remember what others have. Even if you are not able to for encouraging others, do not also you add grief.

The best way to punish those who have done error of the US is to do good to him.

Failure is the only thing that can be achieved without exertion bit.

You may know me, but you don't memahamiku fully you will have a lot of a friend if you are interested in them and not try to make them interested in your beauty eternal lies in keelokkan etiquette and height of the science of a person, not located on the face and clothes.

Opportunity small often is beginning to effort major.

Be light bleak eternal eternal sinarannya and elakkan than a light that are instantly cuma.

Tears woman is the weapons that led to win.

Sometimes, not bad memories that make you sad, but fond memories that you know, will not be repeated.

Happy perfect is when we get what we want without hurting the feeling of other people the past, if you too late, brarti you waste "today" and "the future" MU ... be grateful, N enjoy ur life think people who care about you.

Do not think about the person who don't care about you.

It's just wasted no 3 thing in the world's never sure: (1) wealth (2) of life (3)

dream there are 3 things that make our success: (1) the hard work (2) will (3) focus

free yourself from a sense of-pain unnecessary, only the fabled the feelings of course there are 3 things to keep a relationship remain durable: (1) honesty (2) commitment (3) sense

there are 3 most valuable thing: (1) of love (2) family (3) a friend

there are 3 it which should not be lost: (1) hope (2) sincerity (3) the spirit of

there are 3 things to destroy the person's life: (1) selfishness (2) make use of people (3) toy / hang feelings someone avoid problems you must face it as to avoid the life you must live. Sometimes you must be silent, accept that you do wrong.

Not due to give up, but because you adult.

Most people do not know how to share because they never understand why people give.

Never regret once you reveal a feeling.

Because if so, you just the same regret the truth you will not been able to realize the dreams if you too busy to see anyone who is watching you.

In this life, if you don't want to help others so you don't really life, you just breathe.

Whatever you do, you will definitely disappointing a person, but you can make sure that you did not disappoint wrong person.

Too focus on the one thing make you can't see anything else that may be better than 'one thing' it.

When life looked dropped, believe me the Lord has been set up a good thing that never you know afterwards don't blame any of desire you are not materialize.

Than waiting, better you trying to make it happen.

You never be happy everyone, and if you force yourself, you could only you are unhappy.

Be honest about your feelings, mentioned what you think. Because harbored feeling more painful than rejection.

Sometimes, no matter how much you hate what he did, you always able to find a reason tuk forgive no matter whatever you do, no matter any problems that are you face, you do not own ..

God always with you! In life, people will not stop mengecewakanmu.

But still happy, learn forgive and forget. Sometimes he is right for your life there are always in the near you, but you can't see it because too busy pay attention to him wrong. Sometimes you do not realize how meant someone in your life, until he leave.

Living this is not about those who do good in before, but on those who remain faithful behind you. Learn to release someone who continue to hurt you.

If you mean for him, he never let you hurt. Do not ask God to ease the ordeal there, pray to God tuk give you the power to be able through it. Do not too think sendirimu, because there is someone out there are wondering what it feels to see you.

Life is not always as you want. It good and bad happened always, but it has been set of God, with the end of a beautiful.

Do not weep them who leave you for the sake of others.

If they are stupid enough let you go, you must be smart enough forget it.

Every org had a problem. Better looking for solutions problem than compare the problem with others.

Sometimes you meet someone who is very means in your life just to realize in the end you have to remove it. Think of anything that would you say.

Because every greeting out of your mouth, will not be able to you pulled back.

The success of the need to be fought, not just a dream.

Learn to understand that not all desire can be met, perhaps the best medicine to prevent disappointed and hurt.

Never underestimate any have you have, because it possible that you have it was so desired by others.

Always do yourself a favor with the best way. As a way that's peace be created.

Ikhlas receive an error, and learn Dar any errors, because it will make you a strong in live.

Do anything with the right, not just a quick.

Success can not prevented if you do have the right.

My prayer today: Lord, strengthen the conviction that all derived from you me because kemurahanmu for the sake of kindness.

Just because he has not been so yours, not mean he never be yours.

It's just means you are not ready to have one. Life never be separated from the problem, because the problem is one way God make you personal stronger and adult. Sometimes you apologize on someone not because you are wrong, but because you don't want to hurt feelings that you love.

Do not want him that perfect for your life, as you need is he is able for you feel perfect. No one too late tuk change.

Past just maturation of you. Your life was determined by others but you! When you fall, do not remain below.

Fall does not mean less, it just means you have to get up and return to try.

Don't blame you on wrong decision. Anyone ever made.

Make their lessons for decision further. In a lot of talk there must be violations, but who hold his lips, understanding the favor. Successful it easy.

Motivation to be successful that's what hard women cries does not mean weak, because sometimes they do not know how to say what are they feel the love teach US about the meaning of courage and loved teach US about the meaning appreciate life is a fruit long struggle, and died is fruit struggle eternal behavior US to life, determine the attitude of life to the US someone will not been able to love you sincerely and it is, if you always hide the lack of you from it still not a weakness, if at accompanied by the Act and the results of a real current where we have to pause, turned backward, then grateful - hitamputih love it like a war, easy lit. but it is difficult to put out - H. L. Mencken.

Insulting it has always been Hina first - Mario firm love is made of two hearts and one feeling - Mario firm the less you talking about kualitasmu, the more people sincerely appreciate kehebatanmu - Mario firm sometimes the you are Hina will help you and the person you praise will menjatuhkanmu will it's hard happy others while yourself not happy welfare and wealth of the best built in the wedding. Do not delay wedding with reason welfare - Mario - firm for the world, you are not a perfect.

But, for people who hates you - you it's almost perfect - Mario firm we Reserve the right successfully.

But, as all rights, we who is expected to pick him up - Mario firm plight not for the complaining, but for changed, or abandoned. Goodness requires firmness - Mario firm apapaun that you can imagine are real - Pablo Picasso running with friends in the darkness much better than the walk alone in the light - Helen Keller


Hi, im riza. New steemians :) Nice to meet u.

same I'm also happy with you

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