Computer Programming - Dream of a Poet Astray

in #esteem6 years ago

Occasionally what we hear, or what we read, it seems that the poet species is very strange. Even in childhood, Harhamsai gave us warnings about the poets. "The boy's rising boy or girl has started writing poetry." The news could have collapsed in a family like a catastrophic catastrophe, as well as "the dancer with a poet in an allele is roaming around" - the report said that the "Ebola" could hit the intensity of panic ; And its effect - Effective force to give bacterial quarantine immediately and a severe thunderstorm for the collapse of the dark future and the Nissin. However, I also wondered that due to the absence of a famous poem, these hippocot leaders were not even puffed up to present themselves as witty-cultured asar-chat! In fact, there was a lot of excuse for two-way thoughts about poets. When we started our life story, we could easily see that the lives of very few poets were naive; Often their consequences were the tragic tragedy. This is the most sensitive intellectual, due to the usual naturalness-psychological stress of abnormalities; on it there is a continuous demand for livelihood; "Earth is in a hungry state, a full moon full of bread" is a poverty-stricken, poorly poached man-made perception. Poetry live life - Idea is nothing but mere romanticism! The full moon's moon is a roasted bread "A poverty-stricken, poisonous poem is a humorous affair. Poetry live life - Idea is nothing but mere romanticism! The full moon's moon is a roasted bread "A poverty-stricken, poisonous poem is a humorous affair. Poetry live life - Idea is nothing but mere romanticism!

I read the story of a poet of the nineteenth century and I was surprised; The poetic dream of a girl was the intellectual of everyday essential things of modern generations. It is said that his writing was first described in a landmark article (Scientific Journal Article). Think of a hundred years before the actual computer was born!

  • Ada Lovely Byron*

She was born in 1815, her father's scandal and fame, then the delicious food of London daily. Lord Byron's only socially-recognized child, the girl's name is Ada Byron. He got a lot of world class poetry; All the tendencies of being freaky and inconvenienced against the usual rituals The victim, Anabella, was left to remove all poems from the head of Ada, How to control the heart of mathematics and science, the heart of the only woman's feelings, so was Anabella's constant meditation-knowledge. At one point, Edo, disturbed by the father's scandal, said, "Poetry is your dilemma leave" at one point, but is it possible to erase any thing that is engraved in the genetic code of the person, by the direction of an overwhelming indication? In this comment about the genetic code, the progressive, evolutionary reader's execution was disturbed; There is a desire to say something interesting in the next article. However, truthfully, the love between poetry and the coin was unveiled in front of the eyes of an incredible beauty door, a handful of hundreds of possibilities of an unknown, showed a "computing machine" dream; That is, nowadays, twenty-first century, meditation-knowledge! The time of the adara was very different from now, but not so. The romance of romantic science is going on day by day; Innocence and discovery of the disorder was spreading like infections in people's life, day by day. In today's digital revolution era, computer, microchip and internet have completely reformed our daily lives; In the golden era of industrial revolution, similarly the steam engine, mechanical loom and telegraph had given thousands of medals to human civilization. Nineteenth and twenty-one, the original mantra of this two centuries is very similar - imagination, Innovation of innovative technologies in the combination of love and intelligence. This philosophy taught Ada to create a strange "Poetical Science", which was named a poet of the twentieth century, "Machines with loving grace".

Although Ada Byron inherited her creative and rebellious spirit from her father, but the source of love for technology was elsewhere. Poet Byron was a "Luddite". Through the fundamental campaign of this kind of technology, popularity has become popular in the past two-and-a-half years, because technology has a profoundly harmful to creativity, and to protect human civilization at the cost of technology at any cost. In 1812 the young Byron stood in the parliament of England, through an insensitive lecture that the mechanical-weavers, clothing artists would be destroyed. Mathematical science, science is all unnecessary waste. Why or why not? Poetry is one of the pioneers of the romantic revolution that grew strongly in the artistic literature of Victorian Europe; And the main battle of the romantic revolution was against the mechanics of industrial revolution. "I know that there are four if the two are added together with two, but if I could add two to two by two, then there would be no boundaries for my happiness," she said. Accuracy The wife named "The Princess of Parralgogram", cares. But when married life began to gloss, he changed the tone and said, "We should draw two lines of parallel lines, infinite; I will continue to live forever, but I will never be together. " Bairam's Bohemian life, the control of unhealthy women, addiction, adultery, and the nature of the traditional life was averted. So Adar was born and could not prevent them from getting divorced; Taking everything out, Lady Byron, Father took five weeks in the lap with his father's house Adar with the father was never seen in life.
"Is your face like your mother's, my fair child!"
Ada! Soon my home and my heart?
When I saw your young blue eyes they smiled,
and then we parted. "(Childe Harold, canto3, Byron)

As if he did not like his father in any way, he was chosen as a method of strong mathematical education, the only substance medicine to cure the "poisonous imagination". Even after the efforts of his mother, the crazyness was not completely removed at the beginning of life. As a teenager, a teenage boy escaped with escapism, due to unnecessary mood swings, sudden cyclical problems started, all of which were proof of his. But by the end of the barianic behavior, he decided to surrender himself to science and mathematical thinking, and at one time, he had worked behind two events - adolescence, for some days, with all the newly born British entrepreneurs, and all of the superstars in the era were introduced; And the second incident was seen with Charles Babbage.

Even though we were a much better mathematician than any of us, at that time, all the postal sites at that time were of little value than the mathematician. Even then, his love of love and unusual fascination, teachers like D-Morgan, Marie Samarville, and even the talented astronauts kept looking at them. With his way, his poetry should always be used to come out - "Mathematics is a language that can be used to express all the mysterious mysteries of the universe, a medium, color; With which people can copy human, trivial, weak hearts, all masterpieces run. " The letters written to Mar were filled with such words. "Mother, I see what I can be, my firm belief - if I can continue to study science and mathematics, then soon I will become a poet; But not like a father, a sophisticated poet; Poetry will write in a new language ". There was a different kind of thinking about "Kalpana" In an article written in 1841, his questions and answers - "What is the realization of the imagination? It's a power of five. Intrigues of truth, intuition and ideology are always new, and continuous causes and efforts. Kalpana has repeatedly entered the unmarked world around her unthinkable power with unprecedented intensity, that world is of science ".

Ader was one of the key guru Charles Banks in the field of Polymath, the all-scholar. Physics, Electrical, Mathematics, Philosophy, Mechanics, etc. There is no such thing that he has not tried to contribute. His biggest achievement - universal recognition as the father of mechanical (not electronic) computer. The young adara with the identification of the band in a Jalsa party. Every Wednesday on London's Raghav Boal, he used to arrange a glittering grand party for the wise men. There was no shortage of dancing, drinking, drinking, but all the discussions that went with him; Astronomers looked at their telescopes in the sky, the researchers used to show them their electrical and mechanical calcane televised workmanship; The intellectuals' intellectuals and the senses of sensual sensitivities were a mixed match. Adar Participation was organized on the day of the special exhibition - The invention of the new one, Difference engine, minor model of the original device. This was the world's first computing machine. The machine made of a combination of all the metal parts generated huge response in the scientific society. The solution of complex differential equations by turning gears and handles into its primary work, and it would have made it possible to create a polymanial faucet table for it, with the number of discs installed in steep climax metal silendar. It is as easy as writing on paper, through a machine, especially in the nineteenth century, there was nothing but a science fiction. One of the main problems of making such machines so far is to use the following steps to keep the memories of the different steps in the solution of the solution; That's what Abvin's mechanical method of doing was to find out the bank, How many cylinders were for memories? An instrument is made prearranged, serial or continuous work, even though it is limited to numbers, Ada was so fascinated by the beauty of the matter that immediately and decided to take it, as soon as possible in the case of the Barabese study.

Figure 3 - Model of the difference engine
*Babbage_Difference_Engine_ (the_power-supply_end)
Image 4 - Full form of reference engine

Adress contribution is the second extended version of the Badge's defense engine. Encouraged by the great success of the first Idea in 1834, the gentleman offered a new device, named Analytical Engine. Not only is the solution to a problem, the machine will be able to solve various types of solvents according to the general purpose of the user. Morphy can switch from one task to another, at any time. Even the machine itself will be able to change its own working pattern, in the middle of a bigger solution. In order to insert changeable instructions, it was also proposed to use a punch card. Badge (Punch card was introduced for designing mechanical weights at that time, and who did not know that in the 1950s the punch card was selected as the medium of information exchange on the original computer). The body of the gentleman was in the future, it was a hundred years in the future!

Very few people were encouraged about the analysis of the engine because the thing was a bit of theoretical, and the British government had already poured so much money into making the first version of the bank that there was no possibility of funding from them in this material. So the scientific journal or popular campaign was the only motion of implementation of this issue. However, Badge got at least one Orthodox believer in this matter, she is our only daughter. Ada, after writing the letter, wrote Ada, if it is possible to get to the heart of the business. Adar Primary Objective - Being one of the assistant to build analytics engine in the city. In many ways, in exchange for ever, in the poignant language of turbulent language, there was no one else in the world like him who tried to convince him in a poetic mood. Finally, a golden suit matches the girl.

Adder Footnotes (Notes) -

In October 1842, an Italian scientist at Turin was invited to attend a congressional congress in the city. Please agree to fund the creation of analytical engine and give a lecture there. It is exactly Captain Luigi Menbrewa (then a young military engineer, later Chief Minister of Italy), with the help of the computer, write an essay with a detailed technical description of the machine in French for the conference to read the conference. At the same time, a scientist friend advised Ada to translate the English translation of Menubrea so that it could be printed in a journal called Scientific Memoir. Ada poured her whole heart and soul, then sent it to the bank. The band is fascinated at one go, He was astonished at some point of time and said, "I do not understand why you are so excited about this, why not write basic articles and write translations." In response, Ada said that the thought did not come to her head because there was no such instance of publishing the basic scientific paper of women in that era. It was not a very unexpected event in the horrific society of men.

However, in the article suggested in the article, to add some of his own opinion with the translation of Menubrey's original writings. Ada begins with great enthusiasm for receiving the blessings of the Guru, the work of writing a new chapter called "Translator Notes", which in the twentieth century has begun another new chapter of human civilization, motivation has given many technologies to the Pioneers Interestingly, the size of this chapter is almost double the size of the original article, the total number is 19,136!

Four elements of the Adar Note will always be a cause for surprise. Note- The emphasis on the introduction of this machine as the General Purpose Machine mentioned in "A" can be called the first element. For example, Ada wrote, "The difference engine was made to calculate the nautical table of the war ships, Δ ^ 7 u_x = 0 through the integral solution of Funkshan. But the analogy engine will not be limited to solving only one problem, it will not have to get the speed to solve any kind of arithmetical problem. As a way of how many types of problems can be inserted into the device, he refers to the punch card used in Jackard's mechanical weasel, With which complex brocade designs have already got wide popularity. Ada was able to understand the importance of communication between computers and human beings much more than anyone in the world. In this note, "Jackard's mechanical loom, as the beauty of the flower, the beauty of the leaves can be knit properly, so can our analyst engine be able to infinitely multiply the mathematical pattern, the algebraic style", in the words of a mathematician, Eat kabitikana?

Note- Another important conception that came out of "A" came out. Bangla tragedy near his writing - "Not only numbers, it is possible to work with any type of symbol with this machine. Sound, logic, music; This common device, which can be used for creative, manipulate, store and store all of the symbols used in the present. The device will work or operate in order to improve the relationship between two symbolic objects and change. " Adar "Poetry Science" Extra manifestation in his writings - "An example of working on the symbol of an analogy engine could be the music notation, or musical notation. The subject of a particular study of acoustics is the mutual relation between musical notes and musical notes; My ideas work with the help of a mathematical equation on these balls for all the complex songs, It will not be impossible to write musical and musical compositions ". Fantastic combination of imagination and rationalistic mind! It seems to me that nobody is left to know that Adaar these dreams are inevitable to computer. If his father, Poet Byron, had lived, and he listened to the mischief making of such a beautiful music by the girl's instrument, then immediately he would have been unknowingly!

Adaar's third contribution, was written "Note-G"; Steps after step, some mechanical operation instructions that are described in the right way, which are called programs or algorithms in the modern computer world, Figure 5. The program used to be an example of the application of "Bernoulli's Series", the essential ingredient of Number Theory. In order to show how analytical engine can make these numbers, Ada gives details of some serial or traditional mechanical operations, among which it is noteworthy that the use of subroutine is fancy. Subroutine is a very familiar thing to any computer scientist (if there are several tasks to repeat the program after some time, But subroutine to their integrated form). The 75 punch card card admission guidelines used to produce a number of Ada Burnoli numbers and can be ejected from the same card and previous results, one after the other, to the infinite.

Badse Ada helped find ways to solve this number of solutions. But at the end of "note-g" was added to some basic elements; The algorithm for how to insert a picture and a table that was shown in a beautiful way; It had two subroutine or repetitive cycles, memories or registers, work or operations to keep the results out of the various steps, and the comments or commentaries - there is no difference between what is in a C ++ program. Basically this image or diagram-e-ada has been established as the inventor of the world's first computer programmer or computer programming!

Figure 5-Computer program samples

Her fourth contribution was made by alien people like Alan Turing, the people of the night forbidden sleep. The question that is still going on in a widespread society with question, is the answer to a question - can the machine think like a human? Responding to this question on artificial intelligence, Ada wrote in a note that it is not possible for humans to think like human beings like an analogical engine. It can be invincible and unprecedented, but everything will be done through our morale. One hundred years after the famous Allen Turing Adar named this comment - "Lady Lovely's objection".

Ada Augustus Lovelace wanted to earnestly acknowledged that his writing was an important science study, as he recognized it as a research. It became a cause of concern to the guru. He wanted to associate his political opinion with the British government in this note, with the name Adra. For a while, he was also involved in interacting with the editor, heated exchange of words with him. Finally Adaar was established. In the other writing, the decision was made by the King, and he would express such views. But peeping at the time, due to personality conflicts, or because of the emotional instability of Adrar, Adaar finally decided to commercialize an analytical engine, and finally did not agree. But he neared well, and that's why his friendly relationship survived.

In September 1843, "Scientific Memoir" was finally published in the Adar Translation and Footnote. There was an opportunity to take a lot of self-satisfaction in the years and the respect was enhanced by the number of knowledgeable friends. But all that was momentary. At the end of the day, his machine could not finish making the machines, the last life was spent in a very poor condition. No science article has ever been written by Adroo. The greedy and addicts of the drug addiction, whose impossible imaginative poet heart. Then in 1852, ADARA ended thirty-six years of painful life, ending cervical cancer.

"I've Swapan squares planted
so choose the castle karinu
The shape of the shade is like the earth
, the
shawl gets the
stars of hope, Manas Pratima Bhasia is in the sky.
There was nothing tied up in this desire only
Nothing has been found in this far enough
Do not worry about sitting in your mind and
playing the game, at the
end of the day , the ashes are all in
blows "! - (fictional, Rabindranath Tagore)

-Based Bashar


  1. Walter Isaacson, "The Innovators" (Simon & Schuster, 2014)
  2. Richard Holmes, "The Age of Wonder" (Pantheon, 2008)
  3. Portrait of Ada by British painter Margaret Sarah Carpenter (1836)
  4. Lord Byron in Albanian dress painted by Thomas Phillips in 1813. Venizelos Mansion, Athens (the British Ambassador's residence)

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