in #esteem7 years ago


diatas gambaran adalah seekor induk kucing yang mati ditabrak kendaraan saat mencari makanan buat anaknya. begitu pilu dan menyedihkan sekali gambar ini. saya dibuat menangis ketika mendapatkan gambar ini. saat anak-anak kucing menanti kepulangan ibunya dari mencari makanan, apalah yang terjadi saat itu pula kematian induknya meninggalkan anak-anak kucing yang sangat cantik dan lucu.

above is the picture is a mother cat who died was hit by a vehicle while looking for food for it kitten. so sad and sad this picture. I was made to cry when I got this picture. when kittens await their mother's return from searching for food, whatever happens at that moment the death of her mother leaves very beautiful and cute kittens.

itu adalah gambar asli bukan gambar hasil editan yang diambil seseorang saat induknya mau mati karena mengalami pendarahan hebat dari otaknya karena dihantam benda keras dijalan raya. semoga gambar ini menjadi pelajaran buat kita agar selalu berhati-hati diajalan raya.

it is the original image is not the image of the edits taken by someone when the parent would die because of a severe bleeding from his brain because hit by a hard object on the road. hopefully this picture becomes a lesson for us to always be careful in the road

begitu sedih bila kita melihat gambar diatas walaupun induknya sudah mati tapi anak-anknya masih menyusui dari ibunya..

so sad if we look at the picture above even though the parent is dead but the it kittens still breastfeeding from his mother ..

thanks for reading and visiting my blog.


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