Portrait of Farmers' Life (Potret Kehidupan Para Petani)

in #esteem6 years ago

imageWage workers are transporting rice crops to farmers' homes. (Pekerja upahan sedang mengangkut hasil panen padi ke rumah petani).

Sweat trickled down her body. He looks so strong, and does not look tired at all. Sacks of rice weighing 40 kg do not look heavy on his head. He is a tenacious worker, this work has been occupied for a long time. He must be strong to support his children and his wife.

Keringat mengalir menetes membasahi badannya. Dia nampak begitu kuat, dan tak kelihatan lelah sedikitpun. Karung-karung berisi padi yang beratnya 40 kg tak kelihatan berat di atas kepalanya. Dia seorang pekerja yang ulet, pekerjaan ini sudah ditekuni sejak lama. Dia harus kuat demi menghidupi anak dan isterinya.

imagePaddy farmers are working on cutting rice (rice harvest) in rice fields.(Petani padi sedang bekerja memotong padi (panen padi) di sawah)

Rice Farmers

Petani Padi

Life in rural Aceh Utara is generally synonymous with agriculture, especially rice field agriculture. Most of the rural population depends on farming. Usually farmers there are 2 types, namely: first is the farmer landowners, and the second is farm laborers.

Kehidupan di pedesaan Aceh Utara umumnya identik dengan pertanian, khususnya pertanian padi sawah. Sebagian besar penduduk pedesaan menggantungkan hidup dari bertani. Biasanya petani ada 2 tipe, yaitu: pertama adalah petani pemilik lahan, dan kedua adalah buruh tani.

Most landowners participate in managing their farms, a small portion of which is paid to farm laborers. Farm laborers are usually employed when the energy to grow rice and harvest is not enough. They become wage power paid per day. Usually the wage of peasants work is 80 thousand / day.

Petani pemilik lahan sebagian besar ikut bekerja dalam mengelola usahataninya, sebagian kecil yang mengupahkan kepada buruh tani. Buruh tani biasanya dipekerjakan bila tenaga untuk menanam padi dan memanen tidak cukup. Mereka menjadi tenaga upahan yang digaji perhari. Biasanya upah kerja buruh tani sebesar 80 ribu/hari.

Farm laborers are not only farmers who have no land, but farmers who have land there is also a farm laborer. Family members usually work for farming. If the work of simultaneous rice cultivation, farm laborers in their own areas are often insufficient, then alternatively bring in farm laborers from other regions or regions.

Buruh tani bukan hanya petani yang tak punya lahan, tetapi petani yang punya lahan ada juga yang menjadi buruh tani. Anggota keluarga biasanya menjadi pekerja bagi usahatani. Bila pekerjaan menanam padi serentak maka buruh tani yang ada di wilayah sendiri sering tidak cukup, maka alternatifnya mendatangkan buruh tani dari luar wilayah atau wilayah lain.

imageRice crops that have been planted for 1 month.(Tanaman padi yang telah ditanam selama 1 bulan)

The process of farming rice

Proses bertani padi

Rice farming begins by cultivating the land, usually using the machine (Tractor-moto mu ue). Land is usually hijacked by machine 2 times. Then the land was cleared of grass, and renovated the embankment. Demonstration of seedlings is done to sow seeds.

Usahatani padi dimulai dengan mengolah lahan, biasanya pakai mesin (Traktor-moto mu ue). Lahan biasanya dibajak pakai mesin sebanyak 2 kali. Kemudian lahan dibersihkan dari rumput, dan merenovasi pematangnya. Pembuatan demplot persemaian dilakukan untuk menabur benih.

Seedlings are done to prepare rice seeds for planting. Usually the nursery age is 17 to 25 days. After that the seeds are removed from the demonstration plot to be planted in rice fields.

Persemaian dilakukan untuk mempersiapkan benih padi untuk ditanam. Biasanya umur persemaian 17 sampai 25 hari. Setelah itu benih dicabut dari demplot untuk ditanam dilahan persawahan.

After the seeds are planted, care and fertilization is done. Spraying and eradicating the golden snail is done to kill the rice pest. Fertilization is usually done 2 to 3 times, depending on the condition of the plant. When the rice plants are less fertile, then the fertilizer up to 3 times.

Setelah benih padi ditanam, dilakukan perawatan dan pemupukan. Penyemprotan dan pemberantasan keong mas dilakukan untuk membunuh hama padi. Pemupukan biasanya dilakukan 2 sampai 3 kali, tergantung kondisi tanaman. Bila tanaman padi kurang subur, maka dilakukan pemupukan sampai 3 kali.

Harvesting of rice is usually done at the age of 100 days or 120 days, depending on the type of rice cultivated. Harvesting is done by cutting the rice stem, then tied up, dried and transported to be threshed. Some areas now have started using machines to harvest rice.

Pemanenan padi biasanya dilakukan pada umur 100 hari atau 120 hari, tergantung jenis padi yang dibudidayakan. Pemanenan dilakukan dengan memotong batang padi, kemudian diikat, dijemur dan diangkut untuk dirontokkan. Beberapa daerah sekarang sudah mulai menggunakan mesin untuk memanen padi.

imageRice that has been cut, then dried to be threshed.

imageRice threshing using rice thresher machine.



The problems faced by farmers today are land narrowing, high prices of production facilities, irrigation and drainage that have not been good. In the rainy season the water becomes excessive and in the dry season water is not enough.

Permasalahan yang dihadapi petani saat ini adalah penyempitan lahan, mahalnya harga sarana produksi, irigasi dan drainase yang belum bagus. Pada musim hujan air menjadi berlebihan dan pada musim kemarau air tidak cukup.

Farming rice can generate profits up to 150 percent, if normal. Average yield per hectare is 6 to 8 tons / hectare. Price of rice / kg between Rp. 4,500 up to Rp. 5,500, -. Farmers need to be empowered to have good skills and competencies in farming.

Bertani padi bisa menghasilkan keuntungan sampai 150 persen, bila keadaan normal. Rata-rata hasil panen per hektar 6 sampai 8 ton/hektar. Harga padi/kg antara Rp. 4.500 sampai dengan Rp. 5.500,-. Petani perlu diberdayakan agar mereka memiliki kemampuan dan kompetensi yang bagus dalam berusaha tani.

The End.

Regard @muhibpaya2


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Good farming post

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Postingan yang sangat memarik ttg para petani dan kehidupan mereka...

Salam sukses, kawan @muhibpaya2...

Makasih @zaimrofiqi. Salam

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Cerita yang sangat menarik tentang petani.

What's most interesting about this post to me is how much I can relate it to my own experience, although I've never been to Indonesia. My early childhood was spent in a farm community. My grandfather was a farmer, with a rather large farm, but he worked on it until he was a very old man. There was a farmer who lived on my road who had much less property. He struggled to provide for his family. The one thing these farmers and Indonesian farmers have in common is they never stop working. There are so many forces out of their control that they are never really secure.

Your photos are wonderful, as is your description. I appreciate that you offer the post in two languages so more of us can enjoy it.

Thank you for visiting my post. I just want to show a little about the life of farmers in my village. Farmers are food heroes.

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