daughter aris safitri story about orchid flowers
Once upon a time there was a kingdom with a very beautiful Princess named Princess Anggrek. Princess Orchid blah..blah ... blah ...
Eiittzzzz .......... wrong .... salaaaaaaaaahhh .......... salllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh ... !!!
Not that this is the true story .... hehe .... maap: P: P: P # L.O.L
Intermezzo, once when I was little, I often go to my grandmother's house, because my grandmother's house is only 1 kilometer away, lha wong cuman is different from aza kog urban village, so it's really close. Well the beemula story of my grandmother's hobbies and habits that really love to plant flower plants, especially orchid flowers. He loves to take care of the orchid plants, just as he sarkatis same overprotected really the orchid plants. Sampe-sampe ya I aja that time still belon school is prohibited deket-deket same orchid plants.
At first I became a child who is obedient and willing to obey the rules of my grandmother was bitten so from a distance sangking amazed with orchid flowers are blooming and colorful manicured and the flowers are piled-stack ityuuu. But over time I jagi kegoda also want to want to grasp the flower even though I'm the only creature there that is banned from holding the orchid. Due to the frequent glaring of my grandmother's nursing and watering the orchid, I became like all kinds of flowers. If there is a flower I like to hold it.
Well, one day as usual I sit sweet in the place where I used to sit while glaring at my grandmother to care for and watering her orchid plants. I remember when his orchids were blooming in various colors, my grandmother was eating her nerves to take care of her orchids. And as usual he cautioned me not to deket-deket same pet favorite. Not that aja seh, he also strictly forbid me to pick the orchid, he was carefree as he repeatedly repeated sampekku kupku heat made #lebay.
Exasperated because it was allegedly the same way in the forbidden to pick the orchid. I was when in front of my grandmother pretended to agree and cute look cute tour getuu. After he passed in front of me, immediately wrote the chair that I sit it I lift and taroh in front of the orchid plants. Oh yes forgot my grandmother's orchid nanemnya in a media planting of fibers so colored black brown 2 cm thick, trus length 20 cm and width 10 cm, do not know what the name and hang on the wall of the garden on the porch of the house. Without command and in order again I immediately mretelin the orchids of the storied levels, then directly kabuuurr afraid of grandma's temper. Wkwkwk #dasar_anak_nakal.
After knowing the orchids are treated whole liver, eeehh wrong wholehearted dink, daku pretelin, hihi angry my grandmother, in my heart cheered yeyy ... !!! succeed ... succeed ... hurray ... hurray ... !!! Loe kate Dora what ... ?? Nggok. Anyway he was angry with me, but also the same kids can not be yaw I sampe the skin, iihhh sadiss bener.
That's a bit of orchid story that does not connect from me I hope you all entertained. See you ...