Beautiful Breadfruit
Sukun fruit which is almost the same with jackfruit, green breadfruit while the jackfruit is a bit yellow fruit jackfruit is large while the breadfruit is slightly smaller than the jackfruit but this fruit is almost the similarity of the breadfruit Various kinds of foods can be made, among others, breadfruit, breadfruit, breadfruit breadfruit , even vegetable breadfruit until kuepun can be made from breadfruit quite a lot can be if the fruit from breadfruit, while the usefulness, leaves can be made in medicine for the elderly first leaves of breadfruit in grab and in ramu then pounded until smooth to be used as herbal medicine then sedu with warm water enough mujarap and potent against disease.bagi the sufferer may believe may not be clear sukunini cukub many benefits. thank you till here first another chance I connect again about breadfruit and khunatnya breadfruit.