Paper and paper on a non-woven base.
When choosing wallpaper, it is advisable to consider not only the appearance and actuality of the pattern, but also the performance characteristics, as well as the technical features. After all, sometimes materials suitable for the bedroom, not suitable for hallway or kitchen. The most popular wallpaper types are non-woven and paper. Vinyl wallpaper in recent years lost ground, and textile products are very expensive.
Paper wallpaper is considered a universal option. Among their advantages are democratic prices, wide design possibilities and ease of use. Wallpaper paper, if you have a wish or need, you can change it every two or three years, because even a beginner home-master can overcome the paste in this case.
However, paper wallpaper has a number of flaws. They can not be attached to rooms with high humidity levels. In addition, eco-friendly wallpapers with all its benefits are susceptible to fatigue and rapid abrasion, so in their hallways it is also not recommended for glue.
There are several types of paper wallpaper on the market. You can find single and double-layered versions. The first type of wallpaper is less suitable to paste, as it can be stretched during glue application. In addition, it is more difficult to decorate joints well. With double layer wallpaper it's much easier to work.
Speaking of eco-friendly materials, we should mention an alternative to wallpaper paper - it's beautiful and durable paper wallpaper in a non-woven manner. They are also considered very practical materials, and relatively inexpensive. Fleece is a natural non-woven material - it is 70% composed of cellulose (wood fiber) and only 20% of polyester, 10% of environmentally friendly binder components.
Flizeline wallpapers have air and steam permeability. In addition, they are much more powerful than paper. In the process of gluing they are not bubbles and are not defective and do not shrink all the way. That's why with their help you can strengthen the walls. And since they always consist of two layers, the feather is the base on which the decorative cover is applied, the wallpaper is like opening up wide design possibilities.