business competition
The price we used was based on imports.
now the breeders are harvesting a lot
prices start to fall apart ...
so the point here between local inport is shoulder to shoulder ..
a little example..
I used to buy loloh puppies to breeders ... farmers can get half of the money for family needs half buy adult imports ... I bought seedlings to farmers so greedy at saying don't sell cheap cheap puppies loloh ..
but he himself doesn't buy that by the way ...
now I don't buy on my own
when there is a need because it is a cheap offer to sell it ... there is no harvest together with those who buy it at that price cycle ....
why do you need to be scared
The most effective medicine is to buy a farm to make it more crowded, the price depends on the most demand ...
smart learning in dealing with problems ..
Harga dulu kita berpatokan pada import.
sekarang peternak pada panen banyak
harga mulai kacau..
jadi intinya disini antara inport lokal saling bahu membahu..
contoh kecil..
Dulu saya beliin anakan loloh kepeternak...peternak dapat duit separuh buat kebutuhan keluarga separuh lagi beli import dewasa..Saya beli anakan ke peternak saking pada serakahnya pada bilang jangan jual murah murah anakan lolohnya..
tapi dia sendiri ngak beli yg ngomong..
sekarang saya ngak beli pada jual sendiri
pas ada kebutuhan karena penawaran murah pada jual lah.. panen bareng yg beli ngak ada disitulah siklus harga terjadi....
kenapa Harus Takut
Obat paling mujarab adalah beli kepeternak bikin rame lagi harga kan tergantung permintaan terbanyak..
belajar pintar dalam menyikapi masalah..
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