Overcoming Low Self-Esteem and Depression

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)


We all suffer from a lack self-esteem from time to time. Some of us struggle with it more than others. It can sometimes be traced back to feeling abandoned ot abused by significant others. Society continues to cause self-esteem problems by constantly giving out messages (especially through the media), of what "perfection" is in how we are "supposed" to look, and what we need to "do" and "buy" or "own", or even "think",  to be happy.

At some point in life, we have a choice - to either continue to wallow in our lack of self-esteem, or try to do something to make it better. From experience, I know that the one thing that doesn't help it, is doing nothing about it. Depression can be a part of this also, which makes it all the harder to come to grips with it.

Which brings me to the subject of depression, which can be caused by many things, some of them being the same reasons that cause lack of self esteem. Just remember, 'You are enough'. You are beautiful and wonderful just as you are. That's a good place to start, isn't it? And, it's true!

Depression can range from mild to severe and if anyone is unable to function they should definitely seek help. We all get a little sad sometimes and one of the reasons for this can be 'Seasonal Affective'. This is when a certain time of the year, such as a holiday or season can trigger memories of an event that was difficult. One thing that helps is to remember that it will pass eventually. If it doesn't, get help. I have an article of 'Help in Times of Need' that you can refer to on my blog, for resources.

Stop being hard on yourself and break the negative thinking pattern of your mind. It really gets us no where, and it's a loop that keeps playing over and over, programming our brains to be a certain way. It's a matter of reprogramming our minds and one way to do this is through meditation and constructive thinking.

If you ever get really down in the dumps, which I have a few times in my life, I find that alternating things that need to be done with 'treating' myself with something I really enjoy, whether it is literally a comfort food item, watching a movie, taking a nap, writing, or whatever I am in the mood for. I find doing this helps snap me out off feeling blue sooner than later; before it gets worse -- which I know from experience that I do not want to let it get worse.

And, of course, eating right and exercise are important. A balance in life is the key -- between work, play, rest and recreation. That is between doing something you really love to do and the mundane chores, such as paying bills or chores -- for example.

The reason why I opened this thread is to ask others to share with us how they deal with self-esteem issues, and what they think are some of the root causes of it. I want the main focus here to be helpful ways to address this problem.  

Original Photos by Karen Eisenlord


Interesting post, do you think society itself creates this lack of self-esteem in people deliberately? After all a less confident people are much easier to control, perhaps they do not want us to be strong?

Absolutely I think that aspects of society at least play on our insecurities and therefore contribute to low self-esteem. Politically and through advertising, it's easier to sell goods to people, and ideas, when they are manipulated psychologically and otherwise. Yes, people are much easier to control that way. Advertising and politicians capitalize on this all the time. You made a very good point that if people are weak and needy, they are easier to control. Thank you for posting!

Thanks :-) I think all too often that is part of the problem, people who are treated badly by society are then stamped as ill when in reality perhaps all they needed was a stable life or people not being bad to them, society instead of taking responsibility for what it is doing to people instead blames it all on a chemical imbalance which is then used to pigeon hole people into a specific box, they can then be medicated and feel bad about themselves, whilst at the same time those people who caused the original pain in society are unpunished, our society is quite cruel in that sense, it criminalises and punishes the victims whilst rewarding authority and conformity.

Exactly! They are blamed and made to feel they have no control over themselves -- that's it's all 'genetic' or due to an imbalance of 'chemicals'. There's no self-empowering and the humanity is taken out of it. I believe in a balance of nature/nurture but the mainstream trend is almost all about what people have been given genetically and that they have no control over it and thus this justifies all of the pharmaceuticals, which in truth the pharmaceutical industry is behind this trend to push their own agenda through major funding and controling medical schooling. Most mainstream doctors are brainwashed by their training and It almost entirely overlooks what society and 'nurture' aspects have contributed to it as well as the holistic viewpoint.

Yes I definitely agree with all of that :-) What do you think are the solutions to it and how can it be dealt with better?

You ask good questions. I needed to give this one some thought. I don't think there's a simple solution. A lot of the answer is for people to be more educated and therefore more empowered regarding their choices of treatment. One problem is that pharmaceutical companies want people to be needy and dependent. It's a big business for them. And, they have the money for the advertising and funding of medical institutions. It's sad that many people are so easily brain-washed and controlled. I don't know an easy fix for that other than trying to help people in general to have more involvement and control over their physical and mental health through self-education and self-empowerment, outside the box of what society is trying to force them to be in for the profit of big business which are often corrupt. Don't get me wrong -- I'm not against busnesses as long as they are ethical and accountable for what they do and their products.

Yes I agree with that, I think very often the problem is whenever the profit motive or saving money motive is within the thinking of what healthcare should be, there is then a massive problem, because instead of then giving people what they really need they are given what is the cheapest or the most profitable, it would be really nice if human society at very least could create one area of society that was not dominated by money, healthcare should be that one for certain, it should be a basic human right, not something controlled by bureaucrats trying to save money or a board of directors trying to make money, it should be run by people who really care about helping others and it should be exempt from the financial system altogether, we often forget as society that it is possible to do something like that, after all money is just a human creation it is not as real as the sky or trees, it is time we started excising control over what it is so we can regain our sense of a people again :-)

Yup -- I tell people to look to the economics and there you will find the real motive and reason. It's so true that quality just doesn't seem to matter any more, but the cheapest and easiest way. I fight that with all my might. I've always felt that it's quality and caring that count the most and not to do something if you don't do it with those good intentions. Of course, one must maintain balance and some healthy boundaries in life and relationships. I also believe in karma and I've seen it at work without a doubt!

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