Bisaya news | Sinulog 2019 Update
WAY SIGNAL. Way mobile signal sa Metro Cebu aning mga panahona sigun sa mando sa National Telecommunication Commission ngadto sa tanang network:
Enero 19, Sabado: 3 a.m.-10 a.m. atol sa seaborne procession o fluvial parade
Enero 19, Sabado: 12 noon-8 p.m. atol sa solemn procession
Enero 20, Dominggo: 3 a.m.-7 p.m. A
atol sa Sinulog Grand parade
Future Plans!
The launch of @steemovers is near! Together with the leaders/seniors of the group @ianceaz @kyanzieuno @jancharlest, @mannylumanao we're hoping for a successful launch of our mini group in steemit. We will be planning the Vision and Mission of the group.
Follow @steemovers for more update!
I would like to Invite Everyone in Electroneum Mobile Mining.
- Download Electroneum Mobile Miner App in Google Playstore
- Input the Referral code B24FEE to power up your account
Im planning to give Electroneum (ETN) daily! Follow @jemmanuel for more update!
- Twitter: @jelumanao
- Instagram: @jakahanj
- Steemit: @jemmanuel / @steemovers
Help me reach 1,000 subscribers on YOUTUBE!
Thank you for reading