in #esteem6 years ago


Terror against Christians only occurs in this era, in a democratic country.

Recorded clearly in history, during the dozen centuries of Islamic Caliphate, Jews and Christians live peacefully in it.

Islam is firmly against the unbelievers harbi, kafir who obviously enforce an enmity with Islam.

But against the dhimmi, kafirs who live peacefully in the Khilafah state, the protection of their souls, their wealth, and their worship is the command of the Shari'a.

Even at one time, the Ottoman Caliphate received 150 thousand Jews who were expelled from Spain, Andalusia.

When King Ferdinand II & Isabella, seized Andalusia from Islamic rule, they expelled the remaining Muslims and Jews. The choice is two; enter Christianity, or get out of Spain. The event was called an inquisition.

At last the Khilafah accepted them, the expelled Jews. Accepted as a citizen of Khilafah, protected its rights, just like Muslims.

When Al-Fatih conquered Constantinipel, orthodox Christians welcomed it, for they knew how the Khilafah treated Christians.

Throughout the history of the Khilafah, there has been no terror for Christians. The terror happened today, when the Khilafah ceased to exist.

On the contrary, the Caliphate which today is only an idea, there is no body, it is badly imaged as a shadow behind terror.

It is strange that if the Khilafah is still an idea and carried by thinkers who always move in the level of thought, have no militaristic militia, it is suddenly perceived related to the bombing action. Really naive.

Politics in the secular world is very cruel.

What is displayed on the surface is often the opposite of substance.

Even human lives are often sacrificed through conspiracy to simply discredit the opponent.

May Allah ta'ala protect all of us from his slander.

May Allah protect the souls sacrificed and whose struggles are slandered.


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