Slaughtering Sacrificial Animals and the Wisdom

in #esteem7 years ago
Today is a very noble and glorious day, which starts at 9 Zulhijjah 1439 H / 21 August 2018 after Ashar prayer, Muslims throughout the world do takbir, and some of Moslems who are in Arafah doing wukuf. The day after that is the 10th of Zulhijjah which is identical to the feast of Eid al-Adha (the day of the nahar).

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In Islamic teachings, at today is ordered to make sacrifices (slaughtering animals), and then the sacrificial meat is distributed 1/3 to the poor, 1/3 to relatives, and 1/3 to those in need. Sacrificing is not only the tradition of Muslims but this is the command of the Shari'a (religion) that encourages its people to do social charity among Muslims.

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The implementation and practice of sacrifice have existed from Ibrahim's prophet periode. Doing slaughter of sacrificial animals is not new in Islam, this kind of thing was routinely carried out by the prophet Ibrahim until in the end he was willing to sacrifice his son because of his obedience to his god. because so the obedience of the prophet Ibrahim to Allah, not only the wealth that was sacrificed but also his only son (Ismail).

In the Islamic Shari'a, orders and prohibitions are always there and continue to go to every servant during the soul is still with his body. And so long as humans can add to their closeness to God Almighty by carrying out the commands of the noble Shari'a. Both in the form of obligation and the Sunnah.

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This practice of circumcision performed by a servant is the proof of its success and its benefits in world life. Because worship is obligatory like someone's capital, like it or not, like it or not he has to run it, while the sunnah charity is the advantage.

What a loss it would be if only worship in the world was compulsory or in other words, after returning to the capital, there would be no profit at all. So we should pursue this sunnah worship, we observe this following and love the Messenger of God.

From the many sunnah charities, among them are sacrificing, that is sacrifice livestock such as camels, cows, or goats with certain terms and time. The sacrifice is the sunnah muakkadah (sunnah charity which is very emphasized and recommended).

For us as the people of the prophet Muhammad, slaughtering sacrificial animals is not an obligation, but it is only circumcised for those who can afford it. As for the Prophet Muhammad himself, the law of sacrifice is mandatory, this is one of the specifics given by God to him.

In Islam, the order of sacrificial animals was established in the second year of Hijrah. At that time the Messenger of Allah came out to the mosque to pray 'Eid al-Adha and read the sermon' Id. After that, he sacrifices by slaughtering two goats with horns and white hair.

Even slaughtering sacrificial animals has become one of the first rites in human history. This is as told in the Qur'an Surah Al-Maidah verse 27 concerning the sacrificial process carried out by the two sons of Prophet Adam, the sacrifice was made in addition to Thanksgiving for the blessings given by his Lord, in addition to efforts to get closer to his God.


What is the Wisdom Behind the Udhhiyah (Slaughtering Sacrificial Animals) Command?

This is the wisdom of slaughtering sacrificial animals which I summarize from various sources.

  1. Give thanks to God for the blessings of life given to us by God

  2. Turn on the teachings of the Prophet Ibrahim who compiled that Allah commanded him to slaughter his beloved child (Ishmael) as a ransom

  3. The story of Prophet Ibrahim and Isma'il, who currently produces obedience to God and loves Him more than himself and children. Ishmael who was able to withstand the sharpness of the sword. We as believers reflect this story (Ibrahim the slaughter of his son), they can be used as examples of patience compiled by obedience to God and command them to give priority to the love of God for lust and lust.

  4. Slaughtering sacrificial animals is a form of our concern for the poor

Hopefully this article will keep us eager to do this noble worship and care for others. May God give us the ease and strength of good deeds we do every day.

Happy Eid al-Adha 1439 H

Forgive me, my body and soul

Every single strand of sacrificial animals hair is goodness. Let's spread goodness and multiply takbir in this great day

Thanks For Your Time

The Best Regards, @ijoel

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