How's Respond to the Polemic of Rubella Vaccine Today

in #esteem6 years ago
Recently the Indonesian people, especially the guardians of students, were made disillusioned by the Rubella Vaccine. The government's plan to eliminate measles Rubella through immunization has drawn protests and pros and cons among the public.


The Rubella vaccine has not been verified halal so people are hesitant about the vaccine program.

In several regions in Indonesia, the socialization of MR Immunization has been carried out. But the implementation had to be postponed. [Read more]

Initially, the MR Immunization program was intended for the children aged 9 months to 15 years and will be held from August to September.

It is normal for people to react quickly to a national health program. Because, the vaccine has not been found halal label from the MUI. Therefore, when the health service forces it quickly, this causes astonishment and anxiety and suspicion of the MR immunization program.

Currently, the implementation of MR immunization has been postponed to await clarity from the central government regarding the halal of the vaccine and should be coordinate with the Indonesian Ulema Council.

The local government and the community are waiting for the central government to conduct discussions and verification of the Rubella vaccine. On the side of the community itself raises suspicion of the vaccine which is planned to be implemented nationally because the halal status of the vaccine is not yet clear and surprisingly where elementary school student be forced to be vaccinated for rubella.


We, Indonesian people generally are Muslim. All programs can only be implemented if their status has been verified halal and there are already illegitimate labels from the Indonesian Ulema Council. As for the rubella vaccine until now there is no halal label from the Ulema Council.

To our surprise, why's the central government implement the MR immunization program without verifying vaccines first? On the other hand, the health department also insisted on giving vaccines to students by coming to schools.

I am a student guardian, who happens to have a child who is still in the first grade of elementary school and does not agree with a vaccine program whose status is unclear between haram and halal.

Tomorrow, August 7, 2018, that the rubella vaccine will be held at the school where my child is attending school (Lhokseumawe State Elementary School 20). When I heard that I was very surprised, why in the school still giving permission for the vaccine program like that?

Yesterday, the vaccine program at State Madrasah Ibtidiyah of the Lhokseumawe City also failed to be implemented because all student guardians came to school and forbade their children to be vaccinated.

Regarding the vaccine, has been a polemic and pros and cons, but there are still schools that give permission for their students to be vaccinated. this is very ironic. The principal does not seem to have the authority to ban the vaccine.

I personally also suspect something is wrong with this health program through MR vaccines, it seems that this is indeed planned by certain parties for a particular mission.

Well, How is the fact and truth of the rubella vaccine?

Some interesting facts about MR Vaccine that I quoted from various sources.
1) MR vaccines no effect and have harmful side effects for patients and may be given despite being close to other immunizations

This was as stated and explained by the Professor of Pediatricians, Prof. Iwan Gardono Sudjatmiko, Ph.D., only 19 cases of vaccine reactions were considered serious because they caused fever, while six other cases were caused due to problematic errors. MR immunization starts from the age of 6-19 years regardless of the timing of other immunizations, meaning that MR immunization may be given even though it is adjacent to other immunizations.

2) MR vaccine used in Indonesia comes from India and safe to use
Sri Harsi, MR vaccine distributor for Indonesia, said that MR vaccines were produced from China and India. While the Indonesian government chose the MR vaccine from India.
Based on the release of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, MR vaccines used in Indonesia have received recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) and distribution permits from the POM. So, MR vaccination is safe. Not only Indonesia uses this vaccine, in fact there are more than 141 countries in the world using this vaccine. [Read more here]

Although the government through socialization that been done and stated that the rubella vaccine is safe to use and has obtained marketing authorization from the drug and food control body but there are still many people who doubt this rubella vaccine.

Until today in Indonesia specifically the people of Aceh who in fact parents of students forbade their children to get rubella vaccine. They are worried about the side effects. Coupled with the circulation of information and news that there is the children (students) who died after being vaccinated with the rebulla vaccine.

Although the government stated that MR immunization has been approved by the Indonesian Ulema Council, in this case, the public does not believe it because in reality the vaccine has not been found in the halal label issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council.

The pros and cons of the rubella vaccine have become a polemic, and new problems among the Indonesian people that need to be addressed so that the problem is over. The problem and the issue of rubella vaccine is very viral and booming in social media today.

I just hope that those who have been vaccinated do not get unwanted side effects and have not been vaccinated to be more careful so that the vaccine status is verified halal by the Indonesian Ulema Council.

The Indonesian Ulema Council asked the Ministry of Health to stop administering the Measles Rubella (MR) vaccine because it does not yet have halal certification from the MUI. As stated by the Head of Information and Communication Division of the Central Indonesian Ulema Council, Masduki Baidlowi, Friday (08/03/2018) night. [Source]

Non-halal vaccines were also used in 2002, at that time after examination of the polio vaccine and confirmed it was found that there was a non-halal element in the vaccine. However, the polio vaccine is still used for immunization because there is an emergency. [Read more]

Based on the facts and information that is developing at this time, before there is an fatwa of Indonesian Ulema Council Central regarding the rebulla vaccine, it would be better to stop this rebulla vaccine because every thing that is prohibited have an element of danger.
Wallahu a'lam

Be wise in response to the issues that occur

Thanks For Your Time

The Best Regards, @ijoel

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