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### As for our post today


Romantic Grasshoppers! Locusts usually live in pastures and can jump far enough because their hind legs are longer than their front legs, so why is it that they say romantic insects
When there is an introductory season between the male and female locusts, the male grasshopper must sing '' the chant '' to the female locusts to be with him and it depends on the melodious singing, if the singing is melodious and able to seduce the female then they will carry on ''marriage''
### that's about locusts
the romance of locusts Sometimes the insects are very difficult to distinguish male and female mantis, but with his voice singing earlier the insect experts know that he is a male locust.


Well that's a glimpse of the romantic animal mantis, it is not only humans who can sing the song '' love '', but the belalangpun always bring love songs when he approaches the female, so and hopefully the benefits to increase our knowledge.
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