Cheese stick pedas

in #esteem7 years ago


Cheese Stick Pedas

Resep Cheese Stick pedas! Pada dasarnya, penganan ini adalah cheese stick (stik keju) yang diberi cita rasa pedas sehingga lebih menggigit, berbeda dari cheese stick biasa.

500 gram terigu berprotein sedang
200 gram tepung sagu
100 gram cabai bubuk, atau sesuaikan dengan selera
1 sendok makan maizena
250 gram keju parmesan, parut
100 gram mentega
3 butir telur, kocok lepas
1 sdt baking powder
200 ml air es
1 sdt garam
Minyak secukupnya untuk menggoreng

  1. Aduk semua bahan kering, tambahkan keju parut dan cabai bubuk.

  2. Masukkan telur dan sebagian air. Uleni dengan tangan, tambahkan air sedikit demi sedikit hingga adonan menggumpal

  3. Tambahkan mentega, uleni adonan hingga kalis

  4. Giling adonan dengan gilingan pasta. Potong sedikit adonan, gunakan mata gilingan yang rata. Giling hingga menjadi lembaran tipis. Kemudian gunakan mata gilingan untuk pemotong mie, masukkan lembaran adonan tipis ke dalamnya, giling

  5. Potong-potong sesuai selera anda, letakkan di atas loyang yang ditaburi terigu.

  6. Goreng Cheese Stick di minyak yang banyak, panaskan terlebih dahulu. Goreng dengan api sedang hingga matang kekuningan.


Cheese Sticks Spicy
Recipe Cheese Sticks spicy! Basically, snacks are a cheese stick (cheese sticks) which were given the spicy taste so that more bite, different from the cheese stick.
500 grams of flour protein was
200 grams sago flour
100 grams chili powder, or adjust to taste
1 tablespoon cornstarch
250 grams parmesan cheese, grated
100 grams of butter
3 eggs, beaten off
1 tsp baking powder
200 ml ice water
1 tsp salt
Oil to taste to fry

  1. Stir all the dry ingredients, add the grated cheese and chili powder.
  2. Put the eggs and some water. Knead with hands, add water little by little until the dough is lumpy
  3. Add the butter, knead the dough until smooth
  4. Milled dough with a rolling pin pasta. Cut a bit of the dough, use the rolling pin. Grind it into a thin sheet. Then use the mill for cutting the noodles, put the sheet of thin dough into it, milled
  5. Cut into pieces according to your taste, place on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour.
  6. Fry Cheese Stick in the oil much, heat the first. Fry with medium heat until cooked yellowish.

This post has received a 1.56 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @fitriani56.

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