Cake passion fruit/ kue markisa

in #esteem7 years ago

Cake Passion Fruit
We invite You to experiment with passion fruit, by making it into a Fruit Cake. Fruit Cake is quite popular both in Indonesia and abroad because it tastes light and fresh—while giving more benefits from the fruit used. Cake Passion fruit give different sensations—sour, sweet, and fresh on the first piece.
What are you waiting? Preheat Your oven now too!
125 gr butter
100 gr powdered sugar
2 chicken eggs, separate white and yellow
250 gr flour
1 tsp baking powder, sift with flour
50 cc milk
75 cc passion fruit syrup, mix with milk
300 gr powdered sugar
1 tsp lemon jucie
3 tbsp water
Passion fruit to taste, grab its contents

  1. Beat the butter and sugar until white
  2. Enter the egg yolks one by one while the dough is whipped continuously. Enter the flour which has been mixed the baking powder stirring gently.
  3. Pour all of the mixture of milk and passion fruit syrup
  4. Beat the egg whites until stiff, add to the dough flour, stir.
  5. Pour into a baking dish that has been buttered and sprinkled with bread flour. Bake until cooked, lift
  6. Basting with material smear that has been mixed with the contents of the passion fruit
  7. For the glaze: mix icing sugar, lemon juice, and water until well blended. If the dough is too thick, can plus 1 tsp of water or more.

Cake Markisa
saya mengajak stemian semua untuk bereksperimen dengan markisa, dengan membuatnya menjadi Cake Buah. Cake buah ini cukup populer baik di Indonesia dan mancanegara karena rasanya yang ringan dan segar—sekaligus memberikan manfaat lebih dari buah yang digunakan. Cake Markisa memberikan sensasi berbeda—asam, manis, dan segar pada potongan pertama.

Tunggu apalagi? Panaskan oven Anda sekarang juga!

125 gr mentega
100 gr gula halus
2 butir telur ayam, pisahkan putih dan kuningnya
250 gr tepung terigu
1 sdt baking powder, ayak bersama terigu
50 cc susu
75 cc sirup markisa, campur dengan susu

300 gr gula halus
1 sdt lemon jucie
3 sdm air
Buah markisa secukupnya, ambil isinya

  1. Kocok mentega dan gula sampai putih

  2. Masukkan kuning telur satu persatu sambil adonan dikocok terus. Masukkan tepung yang sudah dicampur baking powder aduk perlahan.

  3. Tuangkan sekalian campuran susu dan sirup markisa

  4. Kocok putih telur hingga kaku, masukkan ke adonan tepung, aduk rata.

  5. Tuang ke loyang yang telah diolesi mentega dan ditaburi tepung roti. Panggang hingga matang, angkat

  6. Olesi dengan bahan olesan yang telah dicampur dengan isi buah markisa

  7. Untuk olesan: campur icing sugar, lemon juice, dan air hingga tercampur rata. Bila adonan dirasa terlalu kental, dapat ditambah 1 sdt air atau lebih

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