My Introduction In Steemit and Introducing Health Tourism For Traveling Lovers

in #esteem6 years ago


Hello Steemian

Introducing my name is Fatia Wahyuni, I am from Indonesia and active in the health sector. I am very happy to be one of the Steemit platform users because in this platform I can share and provide information about health which is certainly very useful for friends of Steemit users.


Currently there is a change in tradition among tourists visiting Indonesia. In addition to shopping they also took the time to enjoy health tourism to restore fitness. Health tourism is a tourism activity that is stimulated by the objects or facilities needed to restore health in tourist destinations such as cool places complete with resting places and having hot springs. This is a very good prospect for managers of beauty and health centers so that Indonesia is a safe and comfortable place for health tourism destinations.

The tourists are now aware of health and fitness during the tour so as to attract tourists, many health tourism managers combine traditional and modern elements for skin and beauty health care because traditional plants and spices are very suitable for body health.

So for friends of Steemit users who want to do traveling, looking for a vacation location that has health tourism is very important to maintain your body and health so that traveling activities become very enjoyable with your family and your partner. Don't forget to follow, comment and resteem my writing, friends, because as a new user, I really hope for advice and guidance to continue to be active on this Steemit platform.

![image]() **Indonesia** Perkenalkan nama saya Fatia Wahyuni, saya berasal dari Indonesia serta aktif di bidang kesehatan. Saya sangat senang menjadi salah satu pengguna platform Steemit karena di platform ini saya bisa membagikan dan memberikan informasi seputar kesehatan yang tentunya sangat bermanfaat buat teman-teman pengguna Steemit.

Saat ini ada perubahan tradisi di kalangan para wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Indonesia. Selain berbelanja mereka juga menyempatkan diri untuk menikmati wisata kesehatan untuk memulihkan kebugaran. Wisata kesehatan merupakan suatu kegiatan wisata yang dirangsang oleh adanya objek atau fasilitas yang diperlukan untuk mengembalikan kesehatan di daerah tujuan wisata misalnya tempat sejuk yang lengkap dengan tempat peristirahatan dan memiliki sumber air panas. Ini merupakan prospek yang sangat bagus bagi pengelola pusat kecantikan dan kesehatan sehingga Indonesia menjadi tempat yang aman dan nyaman untuk destinasi wisata kesehatan.


Para wisatawan saat ini mulai sadar akan kesehatan dan kebugaran selama perjalanan wisata jadi untuk menarik para wisatawan, pengelola wisata kesehatan banyak mengkombinasi unsur tradisional dan modern untuk perawatan kesehatan kulit maupun kecantikan karena tanaman tradisional dan rempah-rempah sangat cocok untuk kesehatan tubuh.

Jadi bagi teman-teman pengguna Steemit yang ingin melakukan traveling, mencari lokasi berlibur yang mempunyai wisata kesehatan sangatlah penting untuk menjaga kesegaran tubuh dan kesehatan anda sehingga kegiatan traveling menjadi sangat menyenangkan bersama keluarga dan pasangan anda. Jangan lupa Follow, komentar dan resteem tulisan saya ya teman-teman karena sebagai pengguna baru, saya sangat mengharapkan saran dan bimbingan agar terus aktif di platform Steemit ini.

Best Regard @fatiawahyuni


The little baby you are holding is super cute....welcome to steemit @fatiawahyuni

Hello beautiful Fatia, welcome to steemit! I am @ichie1 and I’ll love to see your progress and success here.

Each day holds a surprise. But only if we expect it can we see, hear, or feel it when it comes to us. Let's not be afraid to receive each day's surprise, whether it comes to us as sorrow or as joy It will open a new place in our hearts, a place where we can welcome new friends and celebrate more fully our shared humanity.

Henri Nouwen

Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold.

Joseph Parry

The link below is steemit frequent asked questions’ page, it may help answer some of your questions as young member to steemit;

Let’s heal our world with genuine love and acceptance for one another.

thank you for your suggestions and motivations @ichie1

Welcome to Steemit. I hope we all make this platform something better :)

hello I'm also new to Steemit, so far it seems my good is an innovative way to interact. your proposal is great to inform about health is a good way to help others. Keep going with the project is wonderful

Selamat datang di Steemit! :D

Selamat bergabung di steemit @fatiawahyuni.

Selamat datang di platform steemit @fatiawahyuni

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Salam kenal @fatiawahyuni, kami dari RS Sigli Aceh.. semoga Anda berkenan berkunjung ke blog kami.

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salam kenal juga bg @anroja, klo saya saat ini di RS Cut meutia Aceh utara, saya akan selalu mengunjungi blog abg, semoga saya bisa belajar banyak di steemit ini.

Kalau @fatiawahyuni ke radiologi RS Cut Meutia Sampaikan salam saya buat rekan-rekan saya disana. Seperti bang Yudzir di bagian CT Scan, Bang Maimarantika, dll. Semoga @fatiawahyuni sehat selalu dan selalu dalam lindungan Allah.

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Welcome to Steem, @fatiawahyuni!

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